linguistics, comparative linguistics, picture of the world, culture, concept, the Tatar language, the English language, wealthResumo
The article deals with the representation of the concept “wealth” in the Tatar and Anglo-American linguoculture, analyses the difference in the definition system and etymology of the words. The essence of the fiction concepts and its place in the linguistic picture in the world is described. Componential and content analysis of the concept held on the basis of the fiction literature allows revealing diverse and common features between two cultures and worldviews of the “wealth” as a part of the linguistic picture of the world. The result of the research is reflected in the conclusion that the Tatar and Anglo-American cultures equally frequently use the concept to describe material resources, profusion of objects and phenomena, money and other economically exchangeable property. Although the great difference in the presence of the “spiritual wealth” concept in the Tatar linguistic and its absence in the Anglo-American one is noted and disclosed. Existing differences are subsequently explained throughout the historical background of the Tatar, British and AmericanDownloads
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Joseph E. Worcester Dictionary Of The English Language, 1877.
Karasik V.I., Slishkin G.G. (2001).
Lingvokulturni concept kak edinitsa issledovaniya. [Linguocultural concept as a unit of reseatch]. Voronejcki gosudarstveni universitet, 75-80.
Khasanov S.S. (2010). Sailanma aserler. [Selected works]. Tatarstan respublikasi “Hater” nashriyati, 479.
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Minikhanova L.K., Fatkullina F.G. (2012). Khudojestvennya kartina mira kak osobi sposob otrajeniya deistvitelnosti [Fiction concept of the world as a specific way of the reflection of the reality]. Vestnik Bashkirskogo universiteta, 1626-1627.
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Stepanov U.S. (2004) Slovar russkoi kulturi. Opit issledovaniya. [The dictionary of the Russian culture. The experience of the study]. Akademicheski proekt, 991.
Zilyaeva R.A. (1977). ). Tatar telenen anlamatli suzlege. Otch tomda. 1 tom. [Dictionary of the Tatar language in three volumes. Volume 1]. Tatarstan kitap nashriyati, 476.
Skeat W. W. (1835-1912) An etymological dictionary of the English language. Toronto: University of Toronto.
Taktash (2006). Sailanma aserler. [Selected works]. Tatarstan respublikasi “Hater” nashriyati, 382
Como Citar
KHISAMOVA, V. N. .; KHASANOVA, L.; SAIDASHEVA, E. . SPECIFICITY OF THE FICTION CONCEPT “WEALTH” AS A WAY OF REPRESENTATION OF THE LINGUISTIC CULTURE (ON MATERIALS OF THE ENGLISH AND TATAR LANGUAGES). Gênero & Direito, [S. l.], v. 8, n. 5, 2019. DOI: 10.22478/ufpb.2179-7137.2019v8n5.48623. Disponível em: https://periodicos.ufpb.br/index.php/ged/article/view/48623. Acesso em: 24 jan. 2025.
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