
  • Roman P. Bakanov
  • Kirill I. Zaysanov
  • Dmitrii V. Tumanov



journalist, image, portrait, mass culture, comics, television, cinema, fiction.


The article reveals the terms of modern journalism, analyses the journalist images created in the mass culture of the Russian Federation. It is not easy to find out the journalist image on pages of mass editions and in full-length feature films. In various stages of the Russian society formation, the journalist appeared in this type of works with the goal of personifying a certain ideology. Today, the comic characters are pushed into the background by a solid superhero nature, the audience often discusses the relationship between heroes than who they are in the series, the films emphasize the epic nature of the action, and the journalist is usually a way of creating a work in the "action" genre in fiction. The Russian journalist image is often negative: it is either a "hatchet" man from the tabloid press, or gossip "collector", or a careerist. Such characters much less often become the main participants in criminal events, seeking the triumph of justice and the establishment of truth in the society. The main task of the authors when creating such works with the characters-journalists is to provide material interesting to the consumer. Transformation of any product, including spiritual, into a good, dictates the special conditions for creating the journalist image. Based on the universal journalist image, identified by D. Randall (2000) [1], we typologized the characters, having revealed certain regularities. The results of our study consist in confirming the expected results: the creators of mass culture products do not set themselves the task of objectively demonstrating the journalist profession; journalism appears in a grotesque image in their works


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Biografia do Autor

Roman P. Bakanov

Kazan Federal University

Kirill I. Zaysanov

Kazan Federal University

Dmitrii V. Tumanov

Kazan Federal University


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Como Citar

BAKANOV, R. P. .; ZAYSANOV, K. I. .; TUMANOV, D. V. . THE JOURNALIST IMAGE IN THE WORKS OF MASS CULTURE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION. Gênero & Direito, [S. l.], v. 8, n. 5, 2019. DOI: 10.22478/ufpb.2179-7137.2019v8n5.48635. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 jan. 2025.



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