enterprise management, industry, modernization, modelResumo
Existing technologies for substantiating the modernization of basic business processes make it relatively easy to calculate the economic effect of its implementation (by saving resources, reducing labor intensity, increasing both labor productivity and production volumes) because all calculations are based primarily on linear relationships. The rationale for the modernization of auxiliary business processes is more problematic since their specific features significantly complicate the calculation of the economic effect. Firstly, there is a lack of information about the technologies for supporting auxiliary business processes. Secondly, the existing management tools do not consider the complex and closed nature of economic relations between supporting business processes. Thirdly, the complexity of assessing the quality of products of auxiliary business processes and their impact on the main business processes. In order to provide an opportunity to justify business process modernization projects, the author has developed a model that evaluates the effectiveness of a managerial decision on modernization based on changes in the total profit of the enterprise, which differs from the existing ones taking into account the cyclical nature of economic relationships between auxiliary business processes. The developed model for managerial decision-making for the modernization of business process technologies at a large industrial enterprise is based on the author’s method of calculating the cost of production of a large machine-building enterprise, taking into account the principle of multi-cyclical distribution of the cost of auxiliary business processesDownloads
Não há dados estatísticos.
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Karamyshev, A.N. 2018 Analysis of Existing Approaches to Management of Industrial Enterprises // HELIX. Vol.8, Is.1. P.2893-2897.
Karamyshev, A.N. 2017 Bases of acceptance of administrative decisions at the large machine-building enterprises // the Economy and business. № 8. P.3. 996-998 pp.
Karamyshev, A.N. 2017 Analysis of managerial decisions on the modernization of technologies for the implementation of basic and auxiliary business processes of an industrial enterprise // Economics and Entrepreneurship. №2 (Part 2). C.816-820.
Karamyshev A.N. 2017 Analysis of managerial decisions on expanding the range and increasing production volumes // Economics and Entrepreneurship. №7. P.833-836.
Karamyshev, A.N. 2017 Multicycle principle of attributing the cost of supporting business processes to commodity production cost in large industrial enterprises // Turkish Online Journal Of Design Art And Communication. Vol.7, Is. - P.1675-1685.
Karamyshev, A.N. (2016). A technique for calculating the cost of production of a large machine-building enterprise, taking into account the principle of multicyclic distribution of the cost of auxiliary business processes // Economics and Entrepreneurship. № 12 (Part 3). P.1054-1061.
Karamyshev, A.N. 2017 Algorithm for completing the multicyclic attribution of the cost of auxiliary subprocesses to the main business processes of an industrial enterprise // Vestnik BSTU. VG Shukhov. №2. P. 233-235.
Karamyshev, A.N. 2017 A technique for calculating the cost of auxiliary business processes of a large machine-building enterprise taking into account their closed cyclic interrelations // Economics and Entrepreneurship. № 5 (Part 1). P. 563-568.
Hammer, M. 1995 The Reengineering Revolution: A Handbook. New York: Harper Collins. 130 р.
Harmon, P. 2014 Business Process Change. NY: Morgan Kaufmann. 520 p.
Burlton, R. 2001 Business Process Management: Profiting From Process. NY: Sams. p.232
Mahal, A. 2010 How Work Gets Done: Business Process Management, Basics and Beyond. New Jersey: Technics Publications, LLC. 193 p.
Mahal, A. 2014 Facilitators and Trainers Toolkit. New Jersey: Technics Publications, LLC. 295 p.
Rummler, G.A., Brache, A.P. 2012 Improving Performance: How to Manage the White Space on the Organization Chart. NY: John Wiley & Sons. 288 p.
Karamyshev, A.N. 2018 Analysis of Existing Approaches to Management of Industrial Enterprises // HELIX. Vol.8, Is.1. P.2893-2897.
Karamyshev, A.N. 2017 Bases of acceptance of administrative decisions at the large machine-building enterprises // the Economy and business. № 8. P.3. 996-998 pp.
Karamyshev, A.N. 2017 Analysis of managerial decisions on the modernization of technologies for the implementation of basic and auxiliary business processes of an industrial enterprise // Economics and Entrepreneurship. №2 (Part 2). C.816-820.
Karamyshev A.N. 2017 Analysis of managerial decisions on expanding the range and increasing production volumes // Economics and Entrepreneurship. №7. P.833-836.
Karamyshev, A.N. 2017 Multicycle principle of attributing the cost of supporting business processes to commodity production cost in large industrial enterprises // Turkish Online Journal Of Design Art And Communication. Vol.7, Is. - P.1675-1685.
Karamyshev, A.N. (2016). A technique for calculating the cost of production of a large machine-building enterprise, taking into account the principle of multicyclic distribution of the cost of auxiliary business processes // Economics and Entrepreneurship. № 12 (Part 3). P.1054-1061.
Karamyshev, A.N. 2017 Algorithm for completing the multicyclic attribution of the cost of auxiliary subprocesses to the main business processes of an industrial enterprise // Vestnik BSTU. VG Shukhov. №2. P. 233-235.
Karamyshev, A.N. 2017 A technique for calculating the cost of auxiliary business processes of a large machine-building enterprise taking into account their closed cyclic interrelations // Economics and Entrepreneurship. № 5 (Part 1). P. 563-568.
Hammer, M. 1995 The Reengineering Revolution: A Handbook. New York: Harper Collins. 130 р.
Harmon, P. 2014 Business Process Change. NY: Morgan Kaufmann. 520 p.
Burlton, R. 2001 Business Process Management: Profiting From Process. NY: Sams. p.232
Mahal, A. 2010 How Work Gets Done: Business Process Management, Basics and Beyond. New Jersey: Technics Publications, LLC. 193 p.
Mahal, A. 2014 Facilitators and Trainers Toolkit. New Jersey: Technics Publications, LLC. 295 p.
Rummler, G.A., Brache, A.P. 2012 Improving Performance: How to Manage the White Space on the Organization Chart. NY: John Wiley & Sons. 288 p.
Como Citar
N. KARAMYSHEV, A. . THE MANAGERIAL DECISION-MAKING MODEL FOR THE MODERNIZATION OF TECHNOLOGIES FOR BUSINESS PROCESSES AT A LARGE INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISE. Gênero & Direito, [S. l.], v. 8, n. 6, 2019. DOI: 10.22478/ufpb.2179-7137.2019v8n6.49307. Disponível em: Acesso em: 7 mar. 2025.
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