Marriage, responsibilities, food, Notary PublicResumo
Modern trends require changes in the way marriage is conceived. The Civil Code of the State of Tabasco provides that marriage is an institution in which two persons decide to unite their lives in a common life project. When this is done through a solemn act, it requires to be done before a civil registry officer, with certain formalities. Nevertheless; when the couple decides to end their marital relationship, there is no matter the reason, if there are no assets or children, they can get divorce by the officer of the government who they were married. Otherwise, they must go to a civil court for ruling on the marriage society and the relationship they must conserve with their children. The notary is a legal entity. The States grants public faith to validate certain acts: he is a legal professional who has the responsibility to represent in a notarial instrument, the legality of the acts, read them and explain them to the parties, to provide them with security and legality. In this paper the figure of the notary in Mexico and its importance within the Mexican positive law will be explain, as well as the marriage in presence of a Public Notary also the prenuptial agreement which are currently relevant for those who wish to marry and for society
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