cibercrimes, pornography, children, internetResumo
Child pornography is a serious problem that affects children and adolescents, who are consider a vulnerable group due to their lack of maturity to understand the seriousness of the fact. Minors are victims of criminal groups who currently make use of technological advances to get victims. Social networks are the ideal means of attracting the attention of minors, since the audiovisual material that identifies minors, regardless of their sex, is sexually explicit or erotic. This offence is not limited to recording minors, but to distribute the material, displaying it or sharing it with other individuals. The crime is punishable by imprisonment; however, it was not effective because the anonymity of the internet. Actually, everyone has a mobile device and the children´s education has been left to pages of internet, such as YouTube or where children´s video can be played without adult supervision; this is the reason, it is important to pay attention to the problem.
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