organization, tactics, initial stage, search, interrogation, illegal transactions.Resumo
The presented article is aimed to determine the organizational and tactical features of certain investigative measures in the initial stage of credit fraud investigation, including the crime involved illicit realty turnover. The Methods were represented by strategies and tactics of investigation of fraud in the field of lending and credit in real estate malpractice. Results: Investigative and judicial practice indicates that officials and other authorized entities violate the legal real estate turnover established by applicable law when registering illicit transactions. The circumstances of the commission of illegal actions directly depend on the labeling process, which may result in fraud (Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), abuse of power (Art. 285), forgery by an official (Art. 292), and other accusations. Conclusions: Additional methods of detecting and exposing false testimonies are also quite effective in their practical application. In particular, such techniques include the utmost detalization (forcing the interrogated person to ‘make up’ facts and circumstances that can later be verified); re-interrogation (provides an opportunity to ‘play on’ certain testimony discrepancies, which are inevitable as the evidence in the case accumulates); and listening to a deliberately false messages without expressing any doubt or mistrust (allows exposing the false testimony of the interrogated after proper examination)..
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