economic crisis, sanctions, increasing competition, agro-indistrial complex, modeling and forecasting, investment attractiveness, management.Resumo
In the terms of sanctions and the need to strengthen the import substitution policy, the issues of effective investment attraction in the agrarian-oriented republics of the North Caucasus are especially relevant. Due to the underinvestment of the agro-industrial complex in these depressed republics, diversified enterprises of the agro-industrial complex sectors generated a large amount of physically and morally worn-out equipment, economic entities of the industry are not able to function efficiently and develop properly, which ultimately does not allow them to produce competitive products ... Undoubtedly, we need new practical recommendations and directions to improve the management of investment attractiveness to mobilize various sources of investment. There are many methods for assessing the rating attractiveness of enterprises. But all of them have a common drawback - rating evaluations are usually given simultaneously for the entire data set, which, in general, significantly complicates and even excludes the possibility of an objective assessment of the investment attractiveness for an economic entity not previously included in the list of enterprises under study [3,5,7]. Another significant drawback is the lack of validity for the selected indicators of the final rating. The abovementioned and other things allow us to talk about the need to develop a methodology that is not only free from such shortcomings, but also allows us to give a reasonable assessment of enterprise investment attractiveness. This approach requires the formation of the basic econometric models of investment attractiveness for diversified agricultural enterprises. And in our opinion, this is the most promising way to solve a given problem. It should be remembered that the need to take into account the peculiarities of investment attractiveness creation for diversified enterprises of one or related sectors of the agro-industrial complex makes us focus on the basic models.
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