
  • Franak Heydari Dehaghani Department of Jurisprudence and Law, Qom University
  • Mohammad Nozari Qom University


restitution, accused, offender, condemned, government, General


Spiritual dignity is the most important human capital, whose importance does not equal anything other than value. This prestige and prestige gives him the opportunity to take part in his social role. Therefore, the loss of life after this person's life brings many tools and opportunities to him, such as those who are accused or guilty of any reason, in a heavier position Because they are faced with a lack of judicial review of their dignity and reputation, which is necessary to restore it or, in other words, restore reputation. In this regard, the government plays a role in another sense, or in other words, responsible for the reputation of those who have been damaged to their dignity and reputation, which sometimes directly imposes obligations on governmental institutions, including the public prosecutor, and sometimes government agencies It makes the person or groups required to do the work (compensate for the unjust charges against the individual), the same is true of the perpetrators; the notion of dignity in the concept that is the subject of this article is the expression It is to repair the damages caused to the dignity and dignity of those who d In the area of ​​criminal matters, judicial proceedings have been taken and damaged by their honor and reputation in this area. In this sense, the defendants have been acquitted and the defendants are also mistaken.


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Como Citar

HEYDARI DEHAGHANI, F. .; NOZARI, M. . INVESTIGATING THE LEGAL PRINCIPLES OF LEGAL RECONCILIATION IN CRIMINAL MATTERS. Gênero & Direito, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 04, 2020. Disponível em: Acesso em: 29 mar. 2025.



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