
  • Alexander N. Semin Ural State Mining University
  • Tatiana I. Bukhtiyarova Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
  • Irina V. Khilinskaya Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration



capacity, system, environment, organizational and economic potential


The purpose of the research presented in the article is to develop a mechanism for increasing the efficiency of the use of the organizational and economic potential of rural areas. To achieve the goal of the study on the formation of a mechanism for strengthening and developing the organizational and economic potential of rural areas, a set of methods was used. Monographic - in the study of the state of industrial and social infrastructure; method of expert evaluation - when collecting, systematizing and processing the initial information on resource, production, information and innovation, financial and economic potential; statistical method - in identifying trends, patterns of rural development. Studies show that rural areas are still in crisis. In rural settlements, 36% of the Russian unemployed and 39% of the poor live. The level of remuneration of labor employed in agriculture is only 56% of the average for the economy. Sociological surveys conducted in rural areas of the Sverdlovsk and Chelyabinsk regions of the Russian Federation showed that more than 50% of young people express their readiness to leave the countryside. Analyzing the current state of rural areas, a set of problems that reduce their attractiveness is identified. Accomplishment of the housing stock of the rural areas of the Russian Federation is still low, for example, the rural housing stock is equipped with a 54% water supply (whereas in the city - by 91%); water disposal, respectively, by 43% and 90%; heating by 66% and 92%; hot water supply by 30% and 81%, respectively. Having studied the state of the organizational and economic potential of rural areas, its composition was formed element-by-element, taking into account various environments: natural, institutional, business environment, financial and economic and information-innovation environment. This approach allows us to scientifically develop programs and measures for the development of rural areas in general and in terms of each element, while ensuring the targeting and transparency of the use of public funds allocated to support agriculture. Based on the results of the research, factors that characterize the comparative advantages and weaknesses of rural areas were identified and ranked, which allowed introducing an integral assessment of their social and economic potential


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Como Citar

N. SEMIN, A. .; I. BUKHTIYAROVA, T. .; V. KHILINSKAYA, I. . THE ORGANIZATIONAL AND ECONOMIC POTENTIAL OF RURAL DEVELOPMENT. Gênero & Direito, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 04, 2020. DOI: 10.22478/ufpb.2179-7137.2020v9n04.52817. Disponível em: Acesso em: 29 mar. 2025.



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