
  • Ehab Obaid Peoples' Friendship University of Russia


Mahr, dower, Islamic school, marriage, waiting period, invalid marriage, Mahr-al-Misl


The article considers the issue of dower, which is paid by the husband to his wife and appears as one of the husband's liabilities according to the provisions of the Syrian Personal Status Law of 1953, as well as under some other Arab family laws. The presented study examines the views of known Islamic jurisprudence schools on this issue, given that the 1953 Syrian family law, along with most of the Arab family laws, were acquired from Islamic Sharia law. The author also analyzes some decisions regarding the dower ruled by the Sharia Chamber of the Syrian Court of Cassation. The article also reviews the provisions of valid and invalid marriages in order to determine the amount of the marriage portion payment that a husband is liable to pay.


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Syrian Personal Status Law of September 17, 1953 (as amended by Law No. 34 of December 31, 1975, published in the Official Gazette No. 3, p. 111 of January 21, 1976; Law № 4 of February 7, 2019; and Law № 20 of June 27, 2019 ) // Official Gazette 8/10/1953. – № 63. – P. 4783.
Syrian Civil Code, Ed. № 84 of May 18, 1949, became law on June 15, 1949 // Official Gazette of 15/06/1949. – P. 1891.
Moroccan Family Law (the Moudawana) of 2004, published in the Official Gazette of Morocco, № 5184, February 5, 2004.
Jordanian Personal Status Law of 2010, published in the Official Gazette of Jordan, № 451, September 30, 2010.
Tunisian Personal Status Code of 1956, published in the Official Gazette of Tunisia, № 66, August 17, 1956.
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Como Citar

OBAID, E. . DOWER PAYMENT TO A WIFE (MAHR) BY HER HUSBAND UNDER THE SYRIAN PERSONAL STATUS LAW OF 1953 AND SOME OTHER FAMILY LAWS IN ARAB COUNTRIES. Gênero & Direito, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 04, 2020. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 fev. 2025.



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