adaptation, adaptation index, regulatory-adaptive possibilities, regulatory-adaptive status, students, education, university, educational space, multicultural educational space, study load.Resumo
Adaptation of students to the study load and a whole range of specific factors of higher education in a multicultural educational space requires significant strain on the body's compensatory-adaptive systems. The examination of the physiological status under the study load allows timely identifying maladaptation and planning the necessary corrective measures. The research proposed and tested adaptation index, calculated by the quantitative characteristics of the regulatory-adaptive possibilities of students.
Não há dados estatísticos.
Alexandrova E.A. The pedagogical support of high school students in the process of development and implementation of individual educational trajectories // Izv. Sarat. University of New ser. Ser. Acmeology of education. Developmental psychology. 2008. No. 1-2. URL: (reference date: 21.03.2020).
Alexandrovich P.I. Psychological adaptation of students to study at a higher educational institution // Transactions of BSTU. 2015. No5. Pp. 80-84.
Antonova O.G. The social functions of higher education in the context of the new educational paradigm // News of universities. Volga region. Social Sciences. 2018. No1 (45). URL: (reference date: 03.20.2020).
Bezuleva G.V. Psychological and pedagogical support of professional adaptation of pupils and students: monograph. M., 2008. 320 p.
Berezin F.B., Miroshnikov M.P., Sokolova E.D. The methodology of multilateral personality research (structure, foundations, interpretations, some areas of application). M., 2011. 320 p.
Belikova N.Yu., Vaskov M.A., Zritneva E.I., et al. (2019). Formation of a developing educational environment as a condition for socio-psychological interaction of subjects in educational and pedagogical space. Dilemas contemporáneos: Educación, Política y Valores. 2019. Vol. 6. No S3. p. 99.
Cherednichenko G.A. Educational trajectories and professional careers (based on materials of youth sociological research) [Electronic resource]. M.: IS RAS, 2012.332 s. // URL: (reference date: 01.03.2020).
Chikaeva Ks., Scherbakova Li., Karapetyan Ea., Latysheva At., Kosinov Ss., Samygin Si. Social health of Russian youth: the specificity of social and managerial technologies of formation. Revista San Gregorio. 2018. No 27. Pp. 300-309.
Chikaeva K.S., Scherbakova L.I., Karapetyan E.A., Latysheva A.T., Kosinov S.S., Zinchenko Ya.G., Samygin S.I. Social health of Russian youth: the specificity of social and managerial technologies of formation. International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management and Applied Sciences and Technologies. 2018. Vol. 9. No 6. Pp. 515-525.
Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On National Goals and Strategic Tasks of the Development of the Russian Federation for the Period until 2024” No. 204 of May 8, 2018 URL:
Dubovitskaya T.D., Krylova A.V. Methodology for the study of the adaptability of students in high school / T.D. Dubovitskaya, A.V. Krylova // Psychological science and education. 2010. No. 2. Pp. 1 - 7.
Gafiatulina N.Kh., Shevchenko A.M., Samygin S.I. Social health of students from the perspective of the concept of adaptation and adaptive resources // Humanitarian, socio-economic and social sciences. 2019. No 8.Pp. 30-33.
Gafiatulina N.K., Makadey L.I., Gluzman I.V., Lozhechkina A.D., Volkova L.A., Bandurin A.P. The role of health-saving technologies in the process of students educational and professional socialization. EurAsian Journal of BioSciences. 2019. Vol. 13. No 2. Pp. 1557 - 1563.
Gafiatulina N.Kh., Tarasenko, L.V., Samygin, S.I., & Eliseeva, S. Y. (2017). Social health and perception of risks by students living in southern Russian regions (based on sociological questioning data obtained in Rostov-on-Don). Analiz Riska Zdorovʹû, 2017(4), Pp. 66-75.
Gafiatulina N.Kh., Rachipa A.V., Vorobyev G.A., Kasyanov V.V., Chapurko T.M., Pavlenko I.I., Samygin S.I. Socio-political changes as a socio-cultural trauma for the social health of Russian youth // Modern Journal of Language Teaching Methods. 2018. Vol. 8. No 5. Pp. 602-609.
Gorbunova N.V., Kalimullin A.M Simulation of the Process of Training the Future Primary School Teachers for Organizing Extracurricular Activities // Elementary Education Online. 2017. Vol. 16. No 4. Pp. 1860-1872.
Gritsenko V.V. Theoretical Foundations of the Study of Socio-Psychological Adaptation of a Person / Group in a New Socio-Ethnocultural Environment [Electronic Resource] // Problems of Personality Psychology: a collection of scientific articles: Publishing House of Saratov University. - Access mode:
Kazakova O.N. The interaction of the subjects of the educational process as a factor in the adaptation of first-year students to the conditions of study at the university: monograph / О.N. Kazakova. Orenburg, 2010. 169 p.
Kashina Yu.V. Regulatory and adaptive capabilities of students with different mental stability, degree of development, work efficiency at the beginning and at the end of the school year // Fundamental Research. 2013. No. 3-1. Pp. 79-82 URL: (reference date: 22.03.2020).
Kovaleva T.N., Maslova Yu.V., Kovalev N.A., Karapetyan E.A., Samygin S.I., Kaznacheeva O.K., Lyashenko N.V. Ecohumanistic education in Russia and china as a factor of sustainable development of modern civilization. Dilemas contemporáneos: Educación, Política y Valores. 2019. Vol. 6. No S3. Pp. 11.
Mongush Ch.N. Motivational components of professional self-determination for students of St. Petersburg and the Republic of Tuva // Bulletin of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen. No. 129. 2011. Pp. 31-34. 191
Mosienko O.S. Social functions of the institute of education: theoretical and methodological approaches to research // News of universities. North Caucasus region. Series: Social Sciences. 2012. No2. URL: (reference date: 03.20.2020).
Molokova O.A. Psychological diagnostics of students' adaptation to study at the university // Education and Science. 2015. No. 10 (129). Pp.146-166.
National project "Education" URL:
Pavlova M.V. Psychological adaptation at the initial stage of professionalization of university graduates // National Health. 2019. No 4.
Ponomarev I.E., Gafiatulina N.K., Zritineva E.I., Kasyanov V.V., Bahutashyili T.V., Ponomarev P.A. The influence of social justice crisis on social health and spiritual security of young students (a case study of the south of Russia). International Journal of Applied Exercise Physiology. 2019. Vol. 8. No 2.1. Pp. 250 - 257.
Рokrovsky V. M., Kashina Yu.V., Abushkevich V.G., Tacenko E.G. The Additional indicator to assess the adaptation level // Medical news of north Caucasus. 2019 Vоl. 14 Iss. 1.1. Рp. 57-60.
Psychophysiological foundations of academic work and intellectual activity. Physical culture in the regulation of health / composition. N.V. Shamshina, E.V. Golyakova, E.A. Gavrilova. Tambov, 2010. 40 p.
Rubchevsky K.V. Socialization of personality: internalization and social adaptation // Social sciences and modernity. 2003. No. 3. Pp. 148-151.
Shakhbanova M.M., Kasyanov V.V., et al. (2019). The Role of Trust in the Formation of Ethnic Tolerance and Social Health in the Modern Russian Society. Revista Inclusiones. 2019. Vol. 6. No 2. Pp. 296-305.
Shatokhina S.I. The conceptual model of the media image of an innovative university: the example of BelSU // Scientific statements of BelSU. Ser.: Humanities. 2011. No 12 (107). Vol. 10. Pp. 226–234.
Snegovaya O.A., Karapetyan E.A., Vlasova V.N. The communicative-competency approach in the educational space of higher education // Humanitarian, socio-economic and social sciences. 2019. No 10.Pp. 110-114.
Technique "Schulte Tables" / Almanac of psychological tests. M., 1995, Pp. 112-116.
Vaskov, M., Rezvanov, A., Kasyanov, V., et al. (2018). Value Orientations of Russian Youth in the System of Managing the Moral Security of Society. Herald National Academy of Managerial staff of culture and arts, No 2, Pp.134-140.
Vlasova T.A. Socio-psychological adaptation of junior students to the conditions of study at the university // Bulletin of ChSPU. 2009. No1 (1). Pp.13-22.
Vishnevsky V.A. Key aspects of the formation of professional competence of a teacher in a multicultural education / In the book: Innovative approaches to solving the problems of modern society monograph. Penza, 2018.Pp. 26-33.
Vishnevsky V.A. Profiography as a field of scientific knowledge and the current direction of the study of professions // Humanities (Yalta). 2016. No. 2 (34). Pp. 89-95.
Millanei, A., Ghabooli Dorafshan, S. M. H., & Bayrami, A. (2016). Sunnite Religious View about Jurisprudence Nature of Istisna Contract. UCT Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Research, 4(1), 25-27
Alexandrovich P.I. Psychological adaptation of students to study at a higher educational institution // Transactions of BSTU. 2015. No5. Pp. 80-84.
Antonova O.G. The social functions of higher education in the context of the new educational paradigm // News of universities. Volga region. Social Sciences. 2018. No1 (45). URL: (reference date: 03.20.2020).
Bezuleva G.V. Psychological and pedagogical support of professional adaptation of pupils and students: monograph. M., 2008. 320 p.
Berezin F.B., Miroshnikov M.P., Sokolova E.D. The methodology of multilateral personality research (structure, foundations, interpretations, some areas of application). M., 2011. 320 p.
Belikova N.Yu., Vaskov M.A., Zritneva E.I., et al. (2019). Formation of a developing educational environment as a condition for socio-psychological interaction of subjects in educational and pedagogical space. Dilemas contemporáneos: Educación, Política y Valores. 2019. Vol. 6. No S3. p. 99.
Cherednichenko G.A. Educational trajectories and professional careers (based on materials of youth sociological research) [Electronic resource]. M.: IS RAS, 2012.332 s. // URL: (reference date: 01.03.2020).
Chikaeva Ks., Scherbakova Li., Karapetyan Ea., Latysheva At., Kosinov Ss., Samygin Si. Social health of Russian youth: the specificity of social and managerial technologies of formation. Revista San Gregorio. 2018. No 27. Pp. 300-309.
Chikaeva K.S., Scherbakova L.I., Karapetyan E.A., Latysheva A.T., Kosinov S.S., Zinchenko Ya.G., Samygin S.I. Social health of Russian youth: the specificity of social and managerial technologies of formation. International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management and Applied Sciences and Technologies. 2018. Vol. 9. No 6. Pp. 515-525.
Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On National Goals and Strategic Tasks of the Development of the Russian Federation for the Period until 2024” No. 204 of May 8, 2018 URL:
Dubovitskaya T.D., Krylova A.V. Methodology for the study of the adaptability of students in high school / T.D. Dubovitskaya, A.V. Krylova // Psychological science and education. 2010. No. 2. Pp. 1 - 7.
Gafiatulina N.Kh., Shevchenko A.M., Samygin S.I. Social health of students from the perspective of the concept of adaptation and adaptive resources // Humanitarian, socio-economic and social sciences. 2019. No 8.Pp. 30-33.
Gafiatulina N.K., Makadey L.I., Gluzman I.V., Lozhechkina A.D., Volkova L.A., Bandurin A.P. The role of health-saving technologies in the process of students educational and professional socialization. EurAsian Journal of BioSciences. 2019. Vol. 13. No 2. Pp. 1557 - 1563.
Gafiatulina N.Kh., Tarasenko, L.V., Samygin, S.I., & Eliseeva, S. Y. (2017). Social health and perception of risks by students living in southern Russian regions (based on sociological questioning data obtained in Rostov-on-Don). Analiz Riska Zdorovʹû, 2017(4), Pp. 66-75.
Gafiatulina N.Kh., Rachipa A.V., Vorobyev G.A., Kasyanov V.V., Chapurko T.M., Pavlenko I.I., Samygin S.I. Socio-political changes as a socio-cultural trauma for the social health of Russian youth // Modern Journal of Language Teaching Methods. 2018. Vol. 8. No 5. Pp. 602-609.
Gorbunova N.V., Kalimullin A.M Simulation of the Process of Training the Future Primary School Teachers for Organizing Extracurricular Activities // Elementary Education Online. 2017. Vol. 16. No 4. Pp. 1860-1872.
Gritsenko V.V. Theoretical Foundations of the Study of Socio-Psychological Adaptation of a Person / Group in a New Socio-Ethnocultural Environment [Electronic Resource] // Problems of Personality Psychology: a collection of scientific articles: Publishing House of Saratov University. - Access mode:
Kazakova O.N. The interaction of the subjects of the educational process as a factor in the adaptation of first-year students to the conditions of study at the university: monograph / О.N. Kazakova. Orenburg, 2010. 169 p.
Kashina Yu.V. Regulatory and adaptive capabilities of students with different mental stability, degree of development, work efficiency at the beginning and at the end of the school year // Fundamental Research. 2013. No. 3-1. Pp. 79-82 URL: (reference date: 22.03.2020).
Kovaleva T.N., Maslova Yu.V., Kovalev N.A., Karapetyan E.A., Samygin S.I., Kaznacheeva O.K., Lyashenko N.V. Ecohumanistic education in Russia and china as a factor of sustainable development of modern civilization. Dilemas contemporáneos: Educación, Política y Valores. 2019. Vol. 6. No S3. Pp. 11.
Mongush Ch.N. Motivational components of professional self-determination for students of St. Petersburg and the Republic of Tuva // Bulletin of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen. No. 129. 2011. Pp. 31-34. 191
Mosienko O.S. Social functions of the institute of education: theoretical and methodological approaches to research // News of universities. North Caucasus region. Series: Social Sciences. 2012. No2. URL: (reference date: 03.20.2020).
Molokova O.A. Psychological diagnostics of students' adaptation to study at the university // Education and Science. 2015. No. 10 (129). Pp.146-166.
National project "Education" URL:
Pavlova M.V. Psychological adaptation at the initial stage of professionalization of university graduates // National Health. 2019. No 4.
Ponomarev I.E., Gafiatulina N.K., Zritineva E.I., Kasyanov V.V., Bahutashyili T.V., Ponomarev P.A. The influence of social justice crisis on social health and spiritual security of young students (a case study of the south of Russia). International Journal of Applied Exercise Physiology. 2019. Vol. 8. No 2.1. Pp. 250 - 257.
Рokrovsky V. M., Kashina Yu.V., Abushkevich V.G., Tacenko E.G. The Additional indicator to assess the adaptation level // Medical news of north Caucasus. 2019 Vоl. 14 Iss. 1.1. Рp. 57-60.
Psychophysiological foundations of academic work and intellectual activity. Physical culture in the regulation of health / composition. N.V. Shamshina, E.V. Golyakova, E.A. Gavrilova. Tambov, 2010. 40 p.
Rubchevsky K.V. Socialization of personality: internalization and social adaptation // Social sciences and modernity. 2003. No. 3. Pp. 148-151.
Shakhbanova M.M., Kasyanov V.V., et al. (2019). The Role of Trust in the Formation of Ethnic Tolerance and Social Health in the Modern Russian Society. Revista Inclusiones. 2019. Vol. 6. No 2. Pp. 296-305.
Shatokhina S.I. The conceptual model of the media image of an innovative university: the example of BelSU // Scientific statements of BelSU. Ser.: Humanities. 2011. No 12 (107). Vol. 10. Pp. 226–234.
Snegovaya O.A., Karapetyan E.A., Vlasova V.N. The communicative-competency approach in the educational space of higher education // Humanitarian, socio-economic and social sciences. 2019. No 10.Pp. 110-114.
Technique "Schulte Tables" / Almanac of psychological tests. M., 1995, Pp. 112-116.
Vaskov, M., Rezvanov, A., Kasyanov, V., et al. (2018). Value Orientations of Russian Youth in the System of Managing the Moral Security of Society. Herald National Academy of Managerial staff of culture and arts, No 2, Pp.134-140.
Vlasova T.A. Socio-psychological adaptation of junior students to the conditions of study at the university // Bulletin of ChSPU. 2009. No1 (1). Pp.13-22.
Vishnevsky V.A. Key aspects of the formation of professional competence of a teacher in a multicultural education / In the book: Innovative approaches to solving the problems of modern society monograph. Penza, 2018.Pp. 26-33.
Vishnevsky V.A. Profiography as a field of scientific knowledge and the current direction of the study of professions // Humanities (Yalta). 2016. No. 2 (34). Pp. 89-95.
Millanei, A., Ghabooli Dorafshan, S. M. H., & Bayrami, A. (2016). Sunnite Religious View about Jurisprudence Nature of Istisna Contract. UCT Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Research, 4(1), 25-27
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