
  • Marina I. Kadnichanskaya Ulyanovsk State University
  • Jiang Shangrong Moscow City University
  • Nina N. Shchetinina Russian State Social University
  • Igor N. Dubovitsky Gzhel State University
  • Sharaputdin M. Rashidov North-Caucasian Institute (branch) of the Russian University of Justice of the Ministry of Justice of Russia
  • Elena N. Belous State Humanities and Social Studies University
  • Irina V. Gorohova State University of Humanities and Social Studies


conflict interaction, culture of conflict interaction, ethnic conflicts, youth subculture.


The difficulties of interethnic interaction and ensuing ethnic conflicts represent a topical research problem. At present, the problem of ethnic conflicts in the youth environment is particularly acute and serious. As in other European countries, in Russia there is a trend towards the revival of national consciousness and cultural heritage, ethnic identity, both in minorities and in large nations of a multinational country. The ethnic paradox of our time, accompanying the unification of spiritual and material culture, leads to the emergence of various positive and negative social phenomena. This paper presents the results of a theoretical and methodological analysis of ethnic conflicts in the youth environment, the causes of their occurrence and resolution technologies. On the basis of the content analysis of sociological surveys in the period from 2012 to 2019, the features of the culture of conflict interaction in the youth environment were identified and determined. The conclusions have been drawn that there are causes peculiar to each conflict situation which comprise the major one - cultural differences between peoples. It has been proved that among conflict resolution technologies, the best option is to eliminate the sources of conflict situations by implementing general cultural development in educational institutions at different stages (pre-school education, moral education and educational activities in schools, colleges and universities in the form of excursions into other nationalities) and the use of effective public policy. In addition, it has been substantiated that over time, the nature of causes, technologies for resolving ethnic conflicts tend to change to more constructive ones and influence the dynamics of the level of conflict in society.


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Como Citar

I. KADNICHANSKAYA, M. .; SHANGRONG, J. .; N. SHCHETININA , N. .; N. DUBOVITSKY, I. .; M. RASHIDOV, S. .; N. BELOUS, E. .; V. GOROHOVA, I. . CULTURAL DIFFERENCES OF CONFLICT RESOLUTION IN THE YOUTH ENVIRONMEN . Gênero & Direito, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 04, 2020. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 fev. 2025.



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