corporate management; contracts; unilateral acts; corporate agreement; self-employed workersResumo
In The article analyzes the ratio of contracts and other unilateral acts of corporate law that help manage corporations. The authors of the article pay special attention to litigation practice on the protection of preferential purchase rights upon disposing shares and stakes in the authorized capital of companies. The authors reveal the different legal nature of notifications of the sale of shares belonging to the authorized capital of a limited liability company and shares belonging to a non-public joint-stock company. The study also discloses the legal uncertainty of a unilateral refusal to conclude a corporate agreement within a company.
Não há dados estatísticos.
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Glushkova, E.A. (2016). Preimushchestvennye grazhdanskie prava i sekundnye prava: problemy sootnosheniya [Preferential civil rights and subordinate rights: their correlation]. Sovremennoe pravo, (8), 47-52.
Herb, J. (2002). Schuetze. Profiles of Tax Non-Compliance among the Self-Employed in Canada. Canadian Public Policy. Analyse de Politiques, (2), 219-238.
Information Letter of the Presidium of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation No. 131 "Review of the Litigation Practice of Arbitration Courts Considering Disputes on the Preferential Right to Acquire Shares in Private Limited Companies". (June 25, 2009). Retrieved from:
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Kryukova, E.S., & Ruzanova, V.D. (2018). Individualnyi predprinimatel i samozanyatyi grazhdanin: sootnoshenie ponyatii [Sole proprietor and self-employed individual: the correlation of two terms], Zakony Rossii: opyt, analiz, praktika, (3), 21-26.
Onina, A.A. (2009). Preimushchestvennoe pravo pokupki v grazhdanskom prave Rossiiskoi Federatsii [Preferential purchase right in the civil legislation of the Russian Federation]: thesis for a Candidate Degree in Law Sciences. Ufa, 57.
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Resolution of the 18th Arbitration Court of Appeal of 18AP-443/2017 with regard to Case No. A76-5659/2016. (March 6, 2017).
Resolution of the 2nd Arbitration Court of Appeal No. 02AP-4689/2019 with regard to Case No. A82-74/2019. (July 26, 2019).
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Resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation No. 9913/13. (January 21, 2014). Retrieved from:
Sitdikova, L., Starodumova, S., & Volkova, M. (2018). Corporate legal entities in the civil law of the Russian Federation. Economic and Social Development Book of Proceedings, 715-721.
Sitdikova, L.B., & Starodumova, S.J. (2019). Corporate agreement as a means of providing security in the course of entrepreneurship development. Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues, 7(1), 324-335.
Sklovskii, K., & Smirnova, M. (2003). Institut preimushchestvennoi pokupki v rossiiskom i zarubezhnom prave [The institute of preferential purchase right in the Russian and foreign law]. Khozyaistvo i pravo, (11), 103.
Vitryanskii, V.V. (2018). Reforma rossiiskogo grazhdanskogo zakonodatelstva: promezhutochnye itogi [Reforms of the Russian civil law: provisional results]. The 2nd revised and enlarged edition. Moscow: Statut.
Worms, A.E. (1915). Vekselnye blanki, Sbornik statei po grazhdanskomu i torgovomu pravu pamyati professora G.F. Shershenevicha [Draft forms, The collection of articles on civil and trade law dedicated to the memory of G.F. Shershenevich]. Moscow, 466-467.
Zhelonkin, S.S. (2017). K voprosu o pravovoi prirode izveshcheniya v mekhanizme realizatsii preimushchestvennogo prava: pravovaya opredelennost ili sudeiskoe usmotrenie [The legal nature of notifications for the implementation of preferential rights: legal certainty or judicial discretion]. Vestnik arbitrazhnoi praktiki, (4), 16-22
Como Citar
JURIEVNA STARODUMOVA, S. .; BORISOVNA SITDIKOVA , L. . INNOVATIVE CORPORATE MANAGEMENT OF UNILATERAL CONTRACTS. Gênero & Direito, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 04, 2020. Disponível em: Acesso em: 29 mar. 2025.
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