
  • Elena A. Shapkina Department of State Audit of the Higher School of State Audit, Lomonosov Moscow State University


state; society; partnership; legal regulation; state-society partnership, government control; civil society; social relations; state authority.


The importance of the present paper lies in ensuring guarantees of domestic stability and stepwise development of the country, a crucial role in which belongs to the ability of law to effectively respond to external and internal challenges through stimulating evolvement of positive processes in social and political and social and economic life and protecting society from the impact of negative factors. State and society partnership is a newly appeared phenomenon in the system of social relations, which began to exponentially develop under the influence of technological (digital) revolution; it is related to gradually blurring the boundaries between public and private spheres, and establishing the whole new relations of partnership between state and society. Hence, this paper is aimed at identifying and revealing the legal nature of partnership (subject-subject) relationship between state and society in the present-day conditions, and developing theoretical and methodological approaches and practical opportunities for setting up an effective constitutional and legal regime in the mentioned sphere of social relations. A broad and restricted understanding of the state-society partnership category has been suggested. Theoretical analysis and empirical method are the key approaches to study the problem in question. They allow to consider in an integrated manner the degree, to which the problem is examined by the leading scientists, and some practical aspects of the stated problem. The paper presents the results of studying institutionalism of partnership relationship between state and society, contemporary conceptual approaches and legal analysis of state-society partnership, problems of its categorical framework, international experience of legal regulation of state-society partnership. The main problems have been identified, and the author’s classifications and viewpoints have been suggested in the course of studying. The paper materials are of practical value for governmental authorities, civil society institutions, scientists-legal experts, whose academic interests involve studying the problems of legal regulation of interaction between state and society.


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Como Citar

A. SHAPKINA, E. . LEGAL REGULATION OF STATE – SOCIETY PARTNERSHIP. Gênero & Direito, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 03, 2020. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 set. 2024.



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