
  • Abolfazl Hessam Gorgan Branch ,Islamic Azad University
  • Mohammad Gholam Ali Zadeh Kaju professor of Payame Noor University PhD in Private Law


Responsibility, Cyberspace, Civil Responsibility


With the advent of cyberspace and the increase in the number of users, the growing trend has led people to a path that has changed their interactions and lifestyles. There may also be restrictions on this route, or people may, in their own right or by any other person, commit acts outside the terms and conditions of using this space. As a result, they are also liable for their actions as compensation for civil liability arising out of an unusual act. This study examines the concept of cyberspace and the dangers that exist in this space, as well as the civil liability for violating the rights, terms and conditions of its use by its target audience.


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Como Citar

HESSAM, A. .; GHOLAM ALI ZADEH KAJU, M. . CIVIL LIABILITY IN CYBERSPACE. Gênero & Direito, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 03, 2020. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 set. 2024.



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