Does legislation affect elasmobranch conservation and research in Brazil? A case study from Paraná State


  • Natascha Wosnick UFPR
  • Aline Cristina Prado UFPR
  • Eloísa Pinheiro Giareta UFPR
  • Isis Danielle Cury da Cruz UFPR
  • Ingrid Hyrycena dos Santos Universidade do Vale de Itajaí
  • Renata Daldin Leite UFPR



artisanal fishing, processing, evisceration, beheading, endemic species, legislation.


In Brazil, regulations for fishing for elasmobranchs are scarce, as well as insufficient monitoring and management. The first catch regulation for the group was published in 1998 (IBAMA No. 121/98). Despite the ban on finning, the legislation provides legal support for evisceration and decapitation prior to landing. Such practices have become particularly problematic for proper monitoring since decharacterization impairs the correct identification of species. In addition, processing is detrimental to research, as many studies rely on sampling of biological material (e.g., blood), posing an additional challenge for researchers using commercial fishing animals for scientific purposes. This study aimed to characterize the frequency of this practice in a representative artisanal fishing community in the fishing of elasmobranchs. The three years of monitoring show that landing patterns of gutted and beheaded animals are influenced by the species caught and the catch volumes of the day. In addition, endangered species protected by legislation were mostly landed already processed. We discuss the findings focusing on the need to revise the legal framework for the commercial landing of elasmobranchs and possible promising ways to address this challenge.


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