Saeculum <p><em>Sæculum</em> - Revista de História has been published by the Department of History of the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB) since 1995, and, since 2004, it has also been the journal of UFPB’s Graduate Program in History. With one issue per semester, <em>Sæculum’s</em> editorial line focuses on unpublished researches and on the debate in the field of History and Historical Culture in their many interfaces. By doing so, <em>Sæculum</em> fosters the dialog between researchers in Brazil and abroad.<br /><br /><em>Sæculum</em> is indexed at Latindex, Google Scholar, EBSCO, ROAD, EZB, Diadorim, and Rede Cariniana.<br /><br />Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and</p> Universidade Federal da Paraíba pt-BR Saeculum 0104-8929 A revista <i>Sæculum</i> permite aos autores a manutenção dos direitos autorais pelo seu trabalho, no entanto eles devem repassar direitos de primeira publicação ao periódico. Expediente Comissão Editorial Copyright (c) 2023 Guilherme Queiroz de Souza 2024-02-28 2024-02-28 28 49 News from Brazil in Spanish <p>The government men of the Caribbean and Brazil in the 17th century shared the same concern: the Dutch. Much is said about the Dutch invasions in the northeast from a perspective close to national borders, forgetting that Spanish America was also impacted by the same event. Our intention, therefore, is to present the integration of these spaces through the circulation of people and information in the light of Connected History. Firstly, we show how events in Brazil guided and had an impact on the council's discussions. In the second, we point out how Brazil became part of the concerns of the colonial authorities, especially after the attack on Pernambuco, when it became an important base for privateers for planning possible attacks in the Atlantic. Finally, we present the direct circulation of dissidents of the war in Pernambuco, settled in the city of Cartagena das Indias – Nova Granada, in 1640, coming from the Conde da Torre's Armada. For this task, we used as sources the despachos from colonial administration authorities, comparing the information with that produced by private individuals, in order to carry out a critical reading of the documents, inserting them in their production context and without losing sight of their functions.</p> Jéssika de Souza Cabral Copyright (c) 2023 Jéssika de Souza Cabral 2024-02-28 2024-02-28 28 49 08 35 10.22478/ufpb.2317-6725.2023v28n49.66598 “The unfortunate news of the existence of cholera-morbus” in nineteenth-century Paraíba <p>This text aims to discuss the speeches published in the press and in official documents about the cholera morbus epidemic in Paraíba that occurred in the 1850s. Cholera morbus is an infectious disease, discovered in 1883 by the German physician Robert Koch, caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae and transmitted by water or food. A disease characterized by such symptoms as drowsiness, pallor of the face and lips, contraction and pressure in the stomach, cold hands, a weakened and numb feeling in the fingers, cold feet, and heavy dispositions to diarrhea with watery, greenish stools. This disease caused an epidemic that claimed a large number of lives in Paraíba in the mid-nineteenth century. Methodologically, I use document analysis as a way to investigate in historical sources not only the explicit meanings, but those that were hidden behind the words, the silences, the unsaid. Following the historiographical operation proposed by Michel de Certeau (2008), I selected the documents as a “cultural distribution” in the sense of “producing such documents” and submitting them to criticism, taking into account the social place of their production to create a historical writing. The problematized sources are the speeches contained in the <em>Relatórios de Presidente de Província</em>, in the newspaper <em>A Regeneração</em> and in the texts published in the <em>Revista de Medicina</em>, printed by the Sociedade de Medicina e Cirurgia da Paraíba. It is concluded that despite the lethality of the epidemic, the episode brought to light the medical-hygienic weaknesses in the Province, as well as politically projected some doctors.</p> Azemar Santos Soares Júnior Copyright (c) 2023 Azemar Santos Soares Júnior 2024-02-28 2024-02-28 28 49 36 54 10.22478/ufpb.2317-6725.2023v28n49.66559 Labour movement, regional parties and political change <p>This article analyzed the political career of the typographer from Paraná Elbe Lauro Pospissil (1893-1943) in the period between 1919 and 1937. Through a case study, the purpose of this work was to recognize the nature and the limitations of the electoral activity of labor leaders who participated in political life from the end of the First Republic to the middle of the Vargas Era. First, Pospissil belonged to a wing of labor leaders for whom it was crucial that the workers organize themselves into a party. In Paraná, however, initiatives for founding workers' parties did not prosper. Second, this typographer was against the electoral support provided by workers' organizations to candidates who did not belong to the workers' political movements. In this context, such a subject was a cause for controversy among the local leaders of workers' associations. Third, the failure of the constitution of workers' parties in Paraná resulted in the absorption of Pospissil to a group formed by professional politicians who tried to return to the regional political scene.</p> Sandro Aramis Richter Gomes Copyright (c) 2023 Sandro Aramis Richter Gomes 2024-02-28 2024-02-28 28 49 55 76 10.22478/ufpb.2317-6725.2023v28n49.66252 Contributions of Edward Palmer Thompson to the construction of historical knowledge <p>This article to present the contributions of the english historian Edward Palmer Thompson to the production of historical knowledge. The article is organized in some reflexive movements: in the first moment, I discuss the limits of science for the production of historical knowledge. In the second movement, I present the importance of the contributions of the thompson's reflexive for the researcher for the researcher to find other alternatives ways of building knowledge. In the third movement, I justify the choice of dialogue with the work "Miséria da Teoria", especially with the chapter Break: historical logic. Still in the fourth movement, I try to weave some possible dialogues with Thompson's propositions on Historical Logic as a mode of production of historical knowledge. Finally, I invite the reader to lead us to a rationality that allows the construction of knowledge that is articulated with the lived experiences of the subjects, woven in dialogic relationships, that make more sense for all who participate in this production and, above all, committed to the social transformation.</p> Cyntia Simioni França Copyright (c) 2023 Cyntia Simioni França 2024-02-28 2024-02-28 28 49 77 92 10.22478/ufpb.2317-6725.2023v28n49.66362 Displacement and territorialization in the Portuguese Empire (XVI-XIX) <p>The main objective of the proposal to publish the thematic dossier entitled “Displacements and territorializations in the Portuguese Empire (XVI-XIX)” was to bring together articles in the field of research on the aforementioned proposal due to its relevance to historiographic studies, deepening the debate around it, thus expanding the historical production on the topic. The dossier proposal evaluated articles that make up the publication of this periodical, seeking to empirically historicize the historical experiences in relation to the elites, slaves and poor as historical agents in their diverse social relations, mobilities, conflicts, architectural features, mapping the various cultural events to understand how established the different forms of diasporas, geographic and social migrations, seeking to understand how the ways of life of different individuals were organized throughout history based on the analysis of specific documentary sets through new empirical conceptions of History.</p> Reinaldo Forte Carvalho Almir Leal de Oliveira Copyright (c) 2023 Reinaldo Forte Carvalho, Almir Leal de Oliveira 2024-02-28 2024-02-28 28 49 93 104 10.22478/ufpb.2317-6725.2023v28n49.69330 Notable things about Porto Seguro in the 16th century <p>The following article presents the results of the analysis of the list of miracles present in the book “Coisas notables do Brasil” (1591), written by the Jesuit priest Francisco Soares. The list covers 30 cases of miracles that occurred after the use of miraculous water from the fountain at the Church of Nossa Senhora d'Ajuda, between 1552 and 1591. With the intention of examining the details of the reports, to extract information about the lives of Catholic patients of the century XVI, the work starts from a historiographical discussion regarding the list, going through the history of Arraial d'Ajuda in the first century of colonization, and then presenting a study on the life and work of Francisco Soares, author of the book and writer of the list. Having made the essential considerations for understanding the reports of miracles, a typological study was then carried out on the profile of the recipients, the illnesses cured, the way in which the miracle medicine of Arraial d'Ajuda was applied and the waiting time until the cure, to understand precisely the relationship between the colonists and the miraculous source. From the data collected, it was possible to conclude, at the end of the article, that Francisco Soares was concerned with the systematization and heterogenization of reports of miracles on the list, possibly indicating the interest in making official, institutionally and/or socially, the “Source of Our Lady” as a “place of miracles”, and spread devotion to Our Lady of Help in the New World.</p> Lucas de Almeida Semeão Copyright (c) 2023 Lucas de Almeida Semeão 2024-02-28 2024-02-28 28 49 105 120 10.22478/ufpb.2317-6725.2023v28n49.67509 Territorialization in the Sertões of San Francisco <p>In historiographical conventions, it is customary to discuss how the process of incorporation of large extensions of land took place, in the territorial expansionist policy, within the scope of the formation and expansion of the overseas Iberian empires in the modern era. The reading of this process goes through the solutions and insertions of the legal-administrative apparatus, a sine qua non of the formation of the Portuguese Empire itself, a pluricontinental monarchy under construction, based on the Old Regime, by gradually constituting a political body, together with the Christian Church for the governability of an empire, in the course of a globalization movement. This article aims to analyze the process of territorialization of the Backlands San Francisco, an area located on the southern borders between the captaincies of Bahia and Pernambuco, in the 16th-17th century. Several displacements occurred in this territory, which contributed to the historical process, albeit slow and gradual, of transformation of that spatial area, based on the insertion of legal statutes, understood by the notion of territorialization. The analyzes have as theoretical references some concepts such as historical process, backlands, territorialization and borders.</p> José Antônio de Sousa Copyright (c) 2023 José Antônio de Sousa 2024-02-28 2024-02-28 28 49 121 141 10.22478/ufpb.2317-6725.2023v28n49.67451 Plants in traffic <p>This article aims to analyze and reflect on the circulation of plants utilized for food and medicine during Brazil’s colonial period, from the 16th to the 17th century. Our objective is to analyze the way in which these products traveled across this territory, and what connections were established with the European, African and Asian continents, as well as other American territories, whether by work of missionaries or by commercial trading with metropoles. The starting point is observing how these plants were first discovered and their relationships with the human race at the time, to then understand how they moved across continents until getting to Brazil. Another aspect is reflecting on how brazilian biodiversity had been constructed starting from the establishment of these species, broadening the knowledge of this and other places of the world, and modifying the ideas of local and global. In this perspective it is our interest to discuss how these foods and medicines were cultivated, researched, explored and consumed to attend the necessities of different contexts, putting in perspective how their circulation contributed to the transformation of cultural aspects in multiple territories.</p> Larissa Patron Chaves Mônica Lucas Leal de Macedo Rafael Ferreira Costa Copyright (c) 2023 Larissa Patron Chaves, Mônica Lucas Leal de Macedo, Rafael Ferreira Costa 2024-02-28 2024-02-28 28 49 142 158 10.22478/ufpb.2317-6725.2023v28n49.67414 The territory of Minas Gerais, the Sertões do Rio Verde and the foundation of Vila de Campanha da Princesa <p>The aim of this article is to analyze issues pertinent to the territory of Minas Gerais, particularly the process of occupation of the Sertões do Rio Verde, the constitution of the arraial of Campanha do Rio Verde and, later, the Vila de Campanha da Princesa, analyzing the jurisdictional conflicts with the Captaincy of São Paulo, the disputes with the Vila de São João del Rei, the establishment of the limits of its Term and the delimitation of its territory. The territory of the future Vila de Campanha, one of the oldest localities of Minas Gerais, was constituted as a result of the auriferous findings and the conflicts related to the limits existing between the Captaincies of São Paulo and Minas Gerais. An area of dispute between São Paulo and Minas Gerais, the region remained under the jurisdiction of the town of São João del Rei until the end of the 18th century, when the most influential residents of the parish began to demand the creation of the town of Campanha da Princesa, as they considered the growth of its population, the economic development of the region and the distance from the town of São João Del Rei, which hindered both business and justice, to be relevant to this fact. This analysis makes use of a significant historical documentation and, particularly, the analysis of three maps coeval to the process of territorialization of the arraial and the village of Campanha.</p> <p> </p> Patrícia Vargas Lopes Araujo Copyright (c) 2023 Patrícia Vargas Lopes Araujo 2024-02-28 2024-02-28 28 49 159 186 10.22478/ufpb.2317-6725.2023v28n49.67510 Blazing the trails of sertões <p>For a long time, there has been a lack of comprehensive studies on slavery in the sertões, or hinterlands, of the Brazilian Northern Captaincies, due to the prevailing belief that the number of enslaved individuals in the region was too insignificant to allow for a detailed analysis. However, recent research has revealed a significant presence of enslaved Africans in the area, resulting from the expansion of Portuguese colonization into the country's backlands and the subsequent growth of the slave system and slave trade in the cattle region. With these people now representing a relevant portion of the local workforce, new questions arise on how they reached the sertões, and which trade networks existed between that area and the coast. Thus, this work aims to shed light on how the slave trade of Africans to the sertões of the Northern Captaincies unfolded in the first half of the 18th century, highlighting the complex and extensive nature of the Atlantic slave trade in Brazil.</p> Matheus Silveira Guimarães Copyright (c) 2023 Matheus Silveira Guimarães 2024-02-28 2024-02-28 28 49 187 208 10.22478/ufpb.2317-6725.2023v28n49.67399 Trajectory of the conquests in the captains in the Northern Captaincies of the 18th century <p>This article focuses on trajectories of four captains who served at different Northern Captaincies, specifically in Pernambuco, Sergipe, Ceará and Rio Grande, in the first half of the eighteenth century. The main goal of this text is to analyze how these individuals used the military campaigns to obtain land, fortune and power which resulted in status improvement and social mobility. Moreover, the text tries to define how they moved with the circles of power in the captaincies, to identify how they acquired wealth and patrimonial assets, and understand the circulation and the connections of these individuals with other social spaces. This study is set within the context of a highly hierarchical society and will try to test if the agency of these subjects was their personal interest in the search for social prestige and becoming lords of the Northern captaincies of Portuguese America. The thematic, temporal and geographic scope of approach which seeks to reflect on how these agents constructed their life stories in the context of the hinterlands colonial Northern Captaincies.</p> Reinaldo Forte Carvalho Copyright (c) 2023 Reinaldo Forte Carvalho 2024-02-28 2024-02-28 28 49 209 226 10.22478/ufpb.2317-6725.2023v28n49.67463 The demarcation of the captaincy of Itamaracá and the limits of the donatarial property of the marquises of Cascais (1704-1709) <p>The captaincy of Itamaracá was located in the State of Brazil. Donated in 1534, the captaincy remained in the possession of the donatarial family until the Dutch invasion in 1633. After the expulsion of the Dutch, the captaincy began to be administered by the Crown. After a legal victory in 1692, Itamaracá returned to the possession of the marquises of Cascais. The power of the donatários, however, was restricted due to changes in the administration of the captaincy during the period of royal administration and as a result of conflicts of jurisdiction between the governments of Pernambuco and Bahia. The present work intends to analyze the process of demarcation of the captaincy of Itamaracá, which took place between the years 1704 and 1709, in order to understand the political and legal strategy used by the lords-proprietors, the marquises of Cascais, to preserve the jurisdiction and territory of the captaincy.</p> Marcos Arthur Viana da Fonseca Copyright (c) 2023 Marcos Arthur Viana da Fonseca 2024-02-28 2024-02-28 28 49 227 244 10.22478/ufpb.2317-6725.2023v28n49.67490 The old Jesuit ranches <p>Sending and selling cattle to the Capuame Fair in Bahia was one of the businesses undertaken by the royal authorities after the expulsion of the Jesuit priests from the captaincy of Piauí in 1759 and the confiscation of all their goods and assets, such as slaves and livestock. This subject has been studied by various authors, from classic studies to more recent ones. However, it is still a subject that needs further study, as it has many gaps, especially with regard to how this business worked, the agents (free and enslaved workers) and the royal authorities involved. In addition, it is necessary to understand the quantity of cattle and oxen sent, as well as the income achieved between 1770 and 1788. We intend to demonstrate that, despite the difficulties related to the enormous distances, the droughts, the expenditure of labor and the loss of animals during the long journeys, the sale of standing cattle was profitable and remained an important alternative for supplying urban centers such as Salvador until the end of the 18th century, which allows us to understand the size of the patrimony left by the religious and the businesses in which they were involved in the region.</p> Samir Lola Roland Copyright (c) 2023 Samir Roland 2024-02-28 2024-02-28 28 49 245 262 10.22478/ufpb.2317-6725.2023v28n49.67489 Hands and drawings on the wall <p>During a renovation initiated in a townhouse located on the Rua Direita in the municipality of Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais, dozens of engravings were found inscribed on a clay panel in a space associated by the information vehicles as the old basement of the residence. As it was possible to notice, such sets of engravings are analogous to “african scenes”, composed of bas-reliefs and anthropomorphic, zoomorphic and zooanthropomorphic drawings peculiar to what has been recorded and produced about the daily life in Vila Rica in the 18th and 19th century. With this proposal, I intend to present the initial progress of my doctoral research, which focuses on the archaeological study of the respective drawings. However, I will focus on exposing the first steps of the research, a marker that will encompass the production of the first vectorization of the panel and the origins of ethnic groups of enslaved and freed people were inhabiting some of the households on the Rua Direita between the 18th and 19th century. Therefore, agents who survived the violents processes of the diaspora and who can be linked to the authorship of these valuable incised records, alluding or not to possible memories of life on the distant african continent.</p> Leonardo Lopes Villaça Klink Copyright (c) 2023 Leonardo Lopes Villaça Klink 2024-02-28 2024-02-28 28 49 263 283 10.22478/ufpb.2317-6725.2023v28n49.67054 The lived world of the Taveira da Conceição family in the hinterlands of the Captaincy of Rio Grande in the 18th and 19th centuries <p>This article intends to understand, through an interpretative and qualitative analysis, the lived world of a brown family, the Taveira da Conceição, which had relations with the universe of slavery and which was a product of the dynamics of mestizajes that occurred in the context of westernization of the lands of Portuguese America. From this perspective, the focus of our analysis is the experiences of non-white people, specifically a non-white woman, Catarina de Jesus, a captive of the Taveira da Conceição family, residing in the hinterlands of the Captaincy of Rio Grande, between the 18th and 19th centuries, and who managed to rise socially throughout her life. Methodologically, we used the onomastic method of Carlo Ginzburg and Carlo Poni, as well as an intersection of parochial and judicial sources. Finally, in this text, we also seek to dialogue with the studies of the English geographer Edward Relph. This exercise of dialogue between History and Humanist Geography allowed us to understand, trough a case study, how non-white people constructed their experiences of place in a space conceived in an unequal way and marked by slavery.</p> <p>From this perspective, the focus of our analysis is the experiences of non-white people, specifically a non-white woman, Catarina de Jesus, a captive of the Taveira Conceição famiy, residing in the hinterlands of the Captaincy of Rio Grande, between the 18th and 19th centuries, and who managed to rise socially throughout her life. Methodologically, we used the onomastic method of Carlo Ginzburg and Carlo Poni, as well as an intersection of parochial and jucicial sources. Finelly, in this text, we also seec to dialogue with the studies of the English geographer Edward Relph. This exercise of dialogue betwenn History and Humanist Geography enabled us to perceive how non-white people constructed their experiences of place in a space conceived in an unequal way and marked by slavery.</p> <p> </p> Maiara Silva Araújo Copyright (c) 2023 Maiara Silva Araújo 2024-02-28 2024-02-28 28 49 284 304 10.22478/ufpb.2317-6725.2023v28n49.65949