


paradigm, science denial, capitalism


The Kuhnian cycle is subverted at the beginning of the 21st century with the emergence of old paradigms already outdated, such as and flat earthism, and of the vaccine efficacy denial and climate change denial, even though both has been proven by the scientific method. Paradoxically, information technology itself enables the impact of attacks and science denial through the customized dissemination of false informations. A new “paradigm”, characterized by the subversion of science itself, is presented as the last of them, not because of Kuhn's thesis epistemological overcoming, but mainly because what is at stake is the preservation of natural resources in contradiction with the maintenance of capitalism, for which it is necessary to disallow science from describing the reality and eliminate resistance to its advance through scientific denialism and its affinities with neoliberalism and fascism. The end of science and of life, if it were not possible to listen to the indigenous peoples or to hear the “message from the forest”, as wrote Viveiros de Castro.


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