Raffaele Pettazzoni in Turkish religionswissenchaft
In this article we have tried to reflect ideas of Raffaele Pettazzoni (1883- 1959), Italian historian of religions considered by the modern Turkish academia in their surveys. As the most notable Italian historian of religions all around the World, Pettazzoni (1883- 1959) has affected mainly on the global culture of studies of religions. The Turkish historians of the religion, along with their western colleagues, are aware of this eminent scholar. Pettazzoni has been welcomed in Turkey for so long time over half century by his ideas and effective research such as the historical phenomenology, the concepts of the religion of liberty, the myth, the polytheism and especially his unshaken theory of the Supreme- being whom he had named as The All- Knowing God which he traced well in the early cultures of humankind. In so far as having been understood very well in Turkey, Pettazzoni will maintain to be a great value through his well-defined concepts and well systemized works to be translated and used by the Turko-phone academy of religions.
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