Fishes from the Private Natural Heritage Reserve Pacatuba Farm and its surrounding areas, Paraíba State, Northeastern Brazil
The Private Natural Heritage Reserve Pacatuba Farm is located in the Paraíba do Norte river low basin, one of the last remnants of Atlantic Forest in the north of the São Francisco river. Together with Jacuípe forest and Guaribas Biological Reserve, it is considered an area of biological importance still unknown and priority for the biodiversity conservation in the Northeast. Thus, the present study aimed to analyze the icthyofauna from the reserve and its surroundings in order to contribute to the data on the fish species distribution in the Northeastern Atlantic Forest and to the knowledge of its biodiversity. It was collected a total of 1.005 specimens at five sampling sites, which are distributed over 6 orders, 11 families, 16 genera and 21 species of freshwater fish.
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