Acta Semiotica et Lingvistica <p>Acta Semiotica et Linguistica (ASEL) is an international scientific journal that aims to promote exchange between professors and researchers in the humanities, interested in the problem of meaning and language - verbal, non-verbal and complex or syncretic. Founded, at USP São Paulo, by the Brazilian Society of Linguistics Teachers, in 1977, today, it is being published by the Postgraduate Program in Letters at the Federal University of Paraíba-Br, and also serves to Popular Literature, Libras and Braille researchers, a pioneering experience among us. It is intended to be an instrument that allows, at the same time, the dissemination of works by Brazilian specialists abroad and the best knowledge, in Brazil, of research carried out in other countries. Thus, it hopes to promote the fruitful cooperation of these scientists around common problems, methods and ideals. It accepts articles that defend different theoretical positions and express the thought of different currents, in dealing with <strong>semiotic and linguistic</strong> issues, both in the sign, in the text (literary or not) or in the set of cultural facts and their manifestations in human societies. It preferably receives articles from doctors, or even from graduate students who have completed research under the guidance of a doctor. To better take advantage of the researchers' scientific production, we organize publications in three sections: articles (theoretical or analytical), translations (of foreign articles into Portuguese and vice versa) and interviews (with researchers who have distinguished themselves in the journal's specialization area). The researcher can choose any of these sections to submit his work.</p> pt-BR <p><strong>Declaração de Direito Autoral</strong></p><p>Os artigos submetidos a revista <strong><em>Acta Semiotica et Lingvistica</em></strong> estão licenciados conforme CC BY. Para mais informações sobre essa forma de licenciamento, consulte: <a href=""></a></p><p>A disponibilização é gratuita na Internet, para que os usuários possam ler, fazer <em>download</em>, copiar, distribuir, imprimir, pesquisar ou referenciar o texto integral dos documentos, processá-los para indexação, utilizá-los como dados de entrada de programas para softwares, ou usá-los para qualquer outro propósito legal, sem barreira financeira, legal ou técnica.</p><p>1) Autores mantém os direitos autorais e concedem à revista o direito de primeira publicação, com o trabalho simultaneamente licenciado sob a <a href="">Licença Creative Commons Attribution</a> que permite o compartilhamento do trabalho com reconhecimento da autoria e publicação inicial nesta revista.</p><p>2) Autores têm autorização para assumir contratos adicionais separadamente, para distribuição não-exclusiva da versão do trabalho publicada nesta revista (ex.: publicar em repositório institucional ou como capítulo de livro), com reconhecimento de autoria e publicação inicial nesta revista.</p><p>3) Autores têm permissão para publicar e distribuir seu trabalho online (ex.: em repositórios institucionais ou na sua página pessoal) a qualquer ponto antes ou durante o processo editorial, já que isso pode gerar alterações produtivas, bem como aumentar o impacto e a citação do trabalho publicado.</p><p> </p> (Profa. Dra. Maria de Fátima Barbosa de Mesquita Batista) (Portal de Periódicos da Universidade Federal do Tocantins) Thu, 03 Aug 2023 18:54:09 -0300 OJS 60 THE MINI-TALE IN THE PROMOTION OF PORTUGUESE LANGUAGE TEACHING UNDER THE EDUCATIONAL SOCIOLINGUISTICS PERSPECTIVE <p>This article is located in the field of linguistic studies, aims to discuss the development of a Didactic Sequence - DS, based on the theoretical assumptions of Dolz, Noverraz &amp; Schneuwly (2004), whose methodological procedure inspired the organization of activities, proposed in the mentioned DS. The teaching strategies presented aim to promote the reading, interpretive and writing skills of students in the 8th year of Elementary School through the textual genre mini-tale. In this work, we reflect on the need and relevance of teaching Portuguese through discursive genres, in which grammatical aspects materialize, based on the assumption that the student will use the linguistic-discursive resources necessary for authorial written production if exposed to a systematic and systematized work of reading and writing of different genres, even if this proposal is centered on the short story. This qualitative research, whose method is action research, is based on Bakhtin's vision of language, discursive genre and dialogism, and grammar teaching focused on concepts from Educational Sociolinguistics based in Bortoni-Ricardo (2022). As a result, the effective participation of students in the collaborative production of knowledge was observed, who showed interest in the activities developed in this proposal, thus configuring literacy practices at school. The choice of textual genre was a factor of great relevance in terms of appreciation and involvement of social actors in DS.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Educational Sociolinguistics. Portuguese Language Teaching. Didactic Sequence. Mini-tales.</p> Eloa dos Santos, Meri Cristiane Magalhães Rocha, Neusa Inês Philippsen Copyright (c) 2023 Eloa dos Santos, Meri Cristiane Magalhães Rocha, Neusa Inês Philippsen Wed, 02 Aug 2023 00:00:00 -0300 CULTURAL MEANINGS <p>The present work constitutes a thematic-figurative analysis of the Mozambican novel Ventos do Apocalipse, by Paulina Chiziane. Based on the hypothesis that in the text in vogue, the short story works as an inscription of the Mozambican oral tradition and, therefore, the presence of figures and themes are eablished as strong textual markings in narratives of this nature. It is also known that such characteristics insert the work Ventos do Apocalipse as a transcultural genealogical link with a plural aesthetic, whose cultural representation makes it cosmopolitan, thus rooting the writing of Paulina Chiziane. Thus, this study’s main objective is to analyze the discursive procedures of thematization and figurativeness introduced in the textual composite. Anchored in studies of the Semiotics of Cultures (considering their cultural, intercultural and transcultural aspects), this proposal will verify the cultural proximities and distances of figures and themes, as well as their modes of representation within the work. The choice of the work is also justified considering all the structural complexity, as well as the polysystemic cultural relations in which the inscription of the literary narrative flows as popular.</p> Waldelange Copyright (c) 2023 Waldelange Silva dos Santos Fri, 14 Jul 2023 00:00:00 -0300 BILINGUALISM FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF THE POMERAN LAN-GUAGE IN DOMINDOS MARTINS - ES <p>This paper aims to study how the preservation of the Pomeranian Language happen(s) in the municipality of Domingos Martins-ES. As well as pointing out how Language is a very important identity of cultural preservation of a people, through historical, legal, social and educational stratagems in which bilingualism is lived. Initially making an argument by historical allusion, that is, starting the course by the process of migration of the first pomeranian families to the municipality martinense still in the nineteenth century, going through the initial legislative apparatus until reaching the Law No. 2,356 of 2011, which regulates the preservation of the Pomeranian language today; guiding, thus, the research towards the safeguarding of this Language in the social scope and how it is established today within the school. Moreover, the work is, as quickly as necessary, to peek at the technological formulation of the first Pomeranian-Portuguese encyclopedic dictionary created in Brazil.</p> Sthefan Bravin PONCHE, Thiago Barbosa SOARES Copyright (c) 2023 STHEFAN BRAVIN PONCHE Fri, 14 Jul 2023 00:00:00 -0300 DESIGNING THE PATH OF MANIPULATION <p>From the perspective of Greimasian Semiotics, the present work intends to contribute to the theory by designing a scheme of the path of the manipulation and detailing its stages. Based on the works of Barros (2002 and 2005) and Greimas (2014 [1980]) and Greimas and Courtés (2008) we believe that the manipulative itinerary is instituted when the sender-manipulator proposes (idealizes) a narrative program that intends that the recipient - manipulated perform. This intersubjective relationship is mediated, initially, by wanting. Therefore, the manipulator idealizes the modal competence of the recipient-manipulated on the intended action, establishes the fiduciary contract and the values ​​inscribed therein and executes the persuasion (make-know), thus constituting his persuasive action (make-believe); finally, the recipient-manipulator interprets (believes) the persuasive action of the addresser-manipulator through his/her interpretive action, an instance ad quem of the course of manipulation.</p> Demócrito de Oliveira Lins, Waldir Beividas Copyright (c) 2023 Demócrito de Oliveira Lins, Waldir Beividas Fri, 14 Jul 2023 00:00:00 -0300 Veridictory modalities and truth effects and complicity in the chronicle “Os dois bonitos e os dois feios”, by Raquel de Queiroz <p>The way a text is structures, laying out the facts presented to the reader, guides the apprehension of the meanings constructed in it; in this bias, choosing the narrator type always involves a discursive intentionality mediated by enunciation. Based on this assumption, we will seek, in this paper, to understand how enunciative projections contribute to obtaining truth effects and complicity in the chronicle “Os dois bonitos e os dois feios”, by Raquel de Queiroz. Considering that enunciative projections indicate the enunciator’s modes of presence, we will adopt as a theoretical instrument the elements of syntax and semantics proposed by discursive semiotics through the description and analysis of the modes of textual organization of the shift in and shift out switches, as well as the relations stablished between the categories of person, time, space and figurative and thematic paths in the text, as Fiorin (2016) points out; we are also interested, in line with Bertrand (2003), in analyzing issues around the point of view and enunciative positions. With this inventory in hand, we will verify how syntactic procedures are semantically covered, in order to produce truth effects and complicity. We defend the hypothesis that the enunciative projections present in the text indicate a point of view guided by the complicity between the enunciator and the enunciatee, since it is built from a “truth” posed by the enunciator about which the enunciatee is frequently invited to express himself/herself. ; thus, the narrative constitutes an example that justifies the discursive position defended by the enunciator, that is, as a way of consolidating the discourse itself.</p> Emerson Tiogo da Silva Copyright (c) 2023 Emerson Tiogo da Silva Wed, 02 Aug 2023 00:00:00 -0300 DISCURSIVE SEMIOTICS APPLIED TO DOCUMENTARY ANALYSIS <p>Human relationships are marked by symbols and dynamics of meaning. The document is an important artifact in the history of humanity as a potential resource for resuming the discursiveness and narrativity of the past and projected into the future. The objective of this research is the analysis of theories involving discursive semiotics in order to apply its concepts in the analysis and treatment of documents. A qualitative methodology of an exploratory nature was applied, it is also a descriptive research, with an epistemological and interdisciplinary nature. Discourse classification allows the identification of simulacra and valences that show the various semiotic aspects present in the document that represents the philosophical thought of a given time, still carries historical, cultural, scientific, political, social, epistemological, methodological values, among others possibilities.</p> Alexandre Martines Copyright (c) 2023 Alexandre Martines Fri, 14 Jul 2023 00:00:00 -0300 TENSIVE SEMIOTIC ANALYSIS IN THE STORY “PAI CONTRA MÃE”, BY MACHADO DE ASSIS <p>This research aims to analyze the short story “Pai Contra Mãe”, published in 1906 and written by Machado de Assis, based on Claude Zilberberg's tensive semiotic theory, bearing in mind the values that circumscribe the work, the sensitive and the affectivity present in the context of the literary journey, as well as the subjective dimensions and sub-dimensions that are part of this semiotic “grammaticalization” of the content. For this analysis, we will focus on the absolute values promoted by screening the exclusion regime to the detriment of the universe values that guide the mixing of the participation regime; we will explore the progress and tonicity of the intensity axis, as well as the temporality and spatiality belonging to the extensity axis; ending, therefore, in the aspects of ancestry or descent that order the supervening of the central event of the short story. The study is justified for a more sensitive, reflective and critical view regarding the racial and consequently social exclusion regime, especially under the bias of the principles that govern the theoretical line of tensivity.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Semiotics; Tensivity; Absolute Values; Screening; Tale.</p> Jennyffer Stheffanny Pereira da Silva, Diana Luz Pessoa de Barros Copyright (c) 2023 Jennyffer Stheffanny Pereira da Silva, Diana Luz Pessoa de Barros Fri, 14 Jul 2023 00:00:00 -0300 DISCURSIVE SEMIOTICS AND READING <p><strong>Abstract:</strong> The main objective of this work was to semiotically analyze the picture-boos <em>Wave </em>(Suzy Lee) based on the Generative Route of Sense, considering the semi-symbolic characteristic of the text, that is, the inseparable dialogue between categories of the expression plane and categories of the content plane. The analysis revealed that <em>Wave</em> (Suzy Lee) addresses the isotopy of childhood as the passage from the state of not knowing to the state of knowing figuratively represented by the experience of discovering the sea by a little girl. In the text, the artist mobilizes plastic formants, figurative formants and the graphic design itself, exploring the diferente parts that composse the object book (cover, back cover, endpaper, fold) to create the meaning of the narrative. To achieve this goal, we focused on studies by authors such as Barros (2005), Fiorin (1990), Lara &amp; Matte (2009), Floch (2001), Girão (2014; 2017) and Pietroforte (2020).</p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong>Semiotics Analysis; Generative Route of Sense; Wave (Suzy Lee)</p> Jakecilene Lindolfo Barbosa, Sulemi Fabiano Campos Copyright (c) 2023 Jakecilene Lindolfo Barbosa, Sulemi Fabiano Campos Fri, 14 Jul 2023 00:00:00 -0300 HEINRICH SCHENKER <p>Tradução do original francês. HEINRICH SCHENKER- Une conscience sémiotique a propos de Der Geist der musikalischen Technik de Meeùs, NICOLAS. Universidade Sorbonne – IReMu, publicado na Acta Semiotica et Lingvistica – Vol 28 – Nº 1 – Ano 47 (2023).</p> <p>Der Geist der musikalischenTechnik é o primeiro grande trabalho teórico de Schenker que mostra como as técnicas musicais moldam a consciência e a sensibilidade. É uma reflexão sobre a relação entre música e linguagem que alimentará todas as suas obras posteriores e que pressagia reflexões sobre a semiótica geral do século XX. O artigo a seguir examina os dois pontos principais. O primeiro se centra na importância, na música, da repetição de motivos, que Schenker chama de “palavras musicais” (Tonwörte) e que formam uma isotopia da expressão musical; no segundo, tem-se o papel da imaginação criadora (Phantasie), um<br>guia melhor que a lógica porque a música não pode ser baseada em referências mundanas. O artigo termina com uma breve reflexão sobre a semiose introvertida, que poderia ser um modelo de semiótica geral melhor do que a linguagem verbal.</p> Maria de Fátima Barbosa de Mesquita Batista; Nicolas Meeùs Copyright (c) 2023 Maria de Fátima Barbosa de Mesquita Batista; Nicolas Meeùs Fri, 14 Jul 2023 00:00:00 -0300 RECONSTRUÇÃO EM PSICANÁLISE <p>Este texto trata da teoria de Jean Laplanche e a apresenta como um pensamento de reconstrução em psicanálise. Sublinha a oposição de Laplanche às correntes pós-modernas e à desconstrução na psicanálise e destaca os elementos de sua teoria que o<br>situam como autor da reconstrução: reivindicação do caráter científico da metapsicologia e a exigência de pesquisa da verdade na elaboração teórica, epistemologia racionalista e humanista que afirma o caráter histórico e concreto das instâncias psíquicas, oposição tanto às explicações míticas dos conteúdos do inconsciente quanto ao subjetivismo das escolas relacionais, recusa do solipsismo, centralidade do sentido e da interpretação na formação da alma humana e antropologia da transformação.</p> Raquel Barbosa de Mesquita Batista; Hélène Tessier Copyright (c) 2023 Raquel Barbosa de Mesquita Batista; Hélène Tessier Fri, 14 Jul 2023 00:00:00 -0300 ACTA SEMIÓTICA ET LINGVÍSTICA ENTREVISTA PROFª DRª NEUSA INÊS PHILIPPSEN <p>PROFA. DRA. NEUSA INÊS PHILIPPSEN, COORDENADORA DO GT ESTUDOS LINGUÍSTICOS NA AMAZÔNIA BRASILEIRA- ELIAB DA<br>ASSOCIAÇÃO NACIONAL DE PROFESSORES DA PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM LETRAS E LINGUÍSTICA-ANPPOLL</p> Neusa Philippsen Copyright (c) 2023 Neusa Philippsen Fri, 14 Jul 2023 00:00:00 -0300 EDITORIAL Maria de Fátima Barbosa de Mesquita Batista Copyright (c) 2023 Maria de Fátima Barbosa de Mesquita Batista Fri, 14 Jul 2023 00:00:00 -0300