
  • Miliausha R. Pinskaya Federal State Budgetary Institution
  • Julia A. Steshenko Federal State Budgetary Institution
  • Nadiya M. Sabitova Kazan Federal University
  • Elena N. Lizunova Kazan Federal University
  • Chulpan M. Shavaleyeva Kazan Federal University


region, growth poles and centres, industry, horizontal and vertical incentives, indicator, performance, tax incentives, tax burden, R&D


The article explores the interplay between regional tax incentives and the trends in industrial performance indicators. The authors advance arguments for their statement that it is necessary to increase industrial performance in order to create growth poles and centres in regional development. They range the industrial performance indicators based on their assessment. The authors provide a rationale for the choice of areas for tax incentives at the regional level that should take into account indicators of efficiency of investments in fixed assets at industrial enterprises, innovation activities in industry, and growth of industrial production and import substitution. At the regional level, this can be achieved through the use of horizontal tax incentives, including investment tax deductions, support for R&D and special investment contracts.


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Como Citar

R. PINSKAYA, M. .; A. STESHENKO, J. .; M. SABITOVA, N. .; N. LIZUNOVA, E. .; M. SHAVALEYEVA, C. . THE IMPACT OF REGIONAL TAX INCENTIVES ON INDUSTRIAL PERFORMANCE. Gênero & Direito, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 04, 2020. Disponível em: Acesso em: 26 jan. 2025.



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