


Mass movements or mass dispersion are processes that cause rocks to move downhill by gravity. In this paper we aimed to map the areas susceptible to gravitational mass movements for the State of Alagoas, proposing a multicriteria analysis of its variables from the use of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). For this, a pre-mapping of the morphometric variables was elaborated, which consisted in the elaboration of four base maps: slope, pedology, vegetation and rainfall. For multicriteria analysis and map algebra, the hierarchical analysis of the base maps was used. Subsequently, the maps were combined and interpolated, generating the final susceptibility map for the State of Alagoas. Thus, this map presented five susceptibility classes, consisting of: very low, low, medium, high, and very high susceptibility. From the results obtained with this mapping, we conclude that this research was successful in classifying the areas that are susceptible to mass movements for the state, which can assist in the control and monitoring of areas of potential risk, in addition to proposing a methodology for this type of mapping which can assist in decision making.

Keywords: Mass movements. susceptibility. multi-criteria analysis.


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Author Biographies

Raquel Cardoso de Araújo, UFRN

Master's student at GEOCERES/ UFRN - Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte - Campus CERES/CAICÓ, RN.
Bachelor's Degree in Geography from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Campus CERES-CAICÓ, RN. Degree in Geography at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Campus CERES-CAICÓ, RN.
Monitor in Geotechnology - PROGRAD UFRN.
She has experience in the field of Geography, with an emphasis on Physical Geography and Environmental Studies. She actively participated in monitoring projects, assisting teachers in planning and carrying out activities of the taught components.

Paulo Ricardo de Medeiros, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte -UFRN

 Bachelor's Degree in Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte - CERES/UFRN, Campus de
Caicó, RN.

Ramon Jadson dos Santos Silva, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte -UFRN

Bachelor's degree in Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte - CERES/UFRN, Campus de
Caicó, RN.

Rebecca Luna Lucena, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte -UFRN

Geographer, graduated from the Federal University of Paraíba, Bachelor's degree and Bachelor's Degree (UFPB 2006). Master in Development and Environment from Prodema (UFPB/UEPB 2008) and PhD in Geography from the University of Brasília, with expertise in the area of theoretical studies and applied in Geographic Climatology (UnB 2016). Professor of undergraduate and graduate studies in Geography, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte CERES/UFRN.





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