Mobility and ubiquity: new possibilities in the development of the journalistic process


  • Sandra HENRIQUES Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul - Brasil


Journalism, Mobility, Ubiquity, Mobile methods, Communication.


The use of mobile devices and the range of mobility possibilities are generating new perspectives to the informational and communicational process. It shall be observed when individuals are connected all the time and are able to produce and share information immediately through a ubiquitous communication. This process is one of the icons of our society in relation to communication processes, increasing the flow of information through mobile devices, and change the relationship between people and spaces, which tends to alter the development of the journalistic process. From the perspective of the movement of people, one can understand the break in the traditional journalism molds with the possibility that the content is exclusively designed for use in full mobility.



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Author Biography

Sandra HENRIQUES, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul - Brasil

Jornalista. Doutora e mestre em Comunicação Social pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul. Integra o projeto de pesquisa Ubiquidade Tecnológica da Sociedade em Rede. É uma das organizadoras do livro II Encontro de Ubiquidade Tecnológica: uma perspectiva transdisciplinar, publicado pela Editora Universitária da PUCRS. Contato:


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