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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is taken into consideration by another journal in a submission process for publication.
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  • The submission is followed by a Cover Letter giving to the editors the institutional link with the profile of the scholar(s). We need references and the context of the research project.
  • This author filled out his metadata. On the first page of the paper, the editors can see personal data with just author’s name; institution of affiliation; city or town; state or region, when applied; country; and the personal electronic address. The content of the manuscript starts on page 2. No personal identification is available from this page onwards. You have agreed to the peer-reviewed section of the journal. Instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.
  • The text adheres to the Chicago Manual of Style or stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  • When applied, the author describes precisely the funding sources for this research.
  • The Author transfer their rights to publish and distribute their work to Prima Facie magazine, authorizing its use for non-commercial purposes, including the right to submit the work in Open Access databases.
  • Authors include in the submission process the Declaration of Authorship, Conflicts of Interest and Publication Permission. Avaiable on:
  • The content of the article is the sole responsibility of the authors and the opinions expressed therein do not express the views of Prim @ Facie or its editorial team.

Author Guidelines

Guidelines for Authors updated on August 22, 2020



General information for authors:

  1. The papers submitedd to Prim@ Facie: Journal of the Graduate Program in Legal Sciences at UFPB go through a prior evaluation process, carried out by the editors, in which the formal submission requirements is verified, as well as its adequacy to our editorial policy.
  2. In the evaluation of the articles, the relevance and quality of contributions will be taken into account.
  3. The Editorial Board of the journal expects, preferably, manuscripts with clear hypotheses, revealing innovative production in the pertinent area; thus, the manuscripts should include, in the references, especially, articles published in periodicals (always prioritizing the current state of the art, considering, especially, publications of last years).
  4. Among the team of authors, no more than three, there must be at least one PhD researcher, and the others may be students in a PhD or MSc course (affiliation, education and data from the authors' biography must be duly informed in the specific fields of the article submission form).
  5. Authors from other Brazilian Federation Units or Foreigners are priority, because the journal practices exogenous indexes above 75%, that is, of each 10 authors from 7 to 8 of them have external links to the State of Paraíba-Brazil (according to criteria of CAPES/MEC, law area).


About the types of publications accepted by Prim @ Facie:

  1. Proposals will be accepted in Portuguese, Spanish, English, German, Italian and French.
  2. As for the types of contributions accepted, they can be:
  3. a) Corpus;
  4. b) Article for specific thematic dossier for each number (check the open calls);
  5. c) Free Articles: Article sent without link to the “Corpus” section;
  6. d) Reviews: comments or critical reviews, from three to ten pages, about a book or set of books that have been published in the last four years.

7.1. Papers  intended to be published as articles (not as reviews or other pieces) will be submitted to the Double Blind Review process, oth of the evaluator and the author with the mediation of the editors.
No type of identification of the authors should be included in the file containing the manuscript.


Mandatory requirements for the submission of papers:

  1. At the time of submission, when filling in the data for sending the paper, the authors must:
  2. a) Include the ORCID-iD code (can be generated in the link:, in the specific field of the author's profile, during the registration process in the Journal's platform.
  3. b) Include, during the registration process on the magazine's platform, the Link to the Lattes Curriculum of each author, if brazilians*, in the URL field. If the author is foreigner, he/she must send an international resume on a specialized platform or in PDF format (insert the document during the submission process using the option “SEND A NEW FILE”).
  4. c) Inform in the option "Comments for the editor" if the research is the result of a group linked to any HEI or Post-Graduation, with due registration in the platform of the CNPq research directory and/or the result of funding by one agency. In the case of master's or PhD students co-authored with a PhD professor, there must be an indication of whether there has been received research grants. Also inform city, state, department and institution of attachment;
  5. d) It is recommended that the author send a justification of the research theme in the form of presentation letter, which may include: institutional research history, professors with whom the author has worked with indication of the respective e-mails and indication of the PhD course held in the country or abroad. The letter may be important in the process of choosing blind reviewers and may contribute to the final publication decision by the journal's editor and editorial advisors, after the end of the Blind Review. No reviewer will have access to the letter, being it exclusively read by the editors of the magazine for the purpose of qualifying the proposal, always maintaining the journal's privacy rules and anonymity of the scientific evaluation.
  6. The content of the articles is the sole responsibility of their authors. The opinions expressed in them do not necessarily express the point of view of Prim@ Facie or of its editorial team.

10.1 Authors should be aware that they transfer their rights of publication and distribution of their work to Prima Facie journal, authorizing its use for non-commercial purposes, including the right to submit the work in Open Access databases.

10.2 The co-authored papers must present, during the submission process, the record of their effective contribution and collaboration, clearly expressing the participation field of each co-author.

10.3 The final proofs might not be sent to the authors before publication, following the technical standard made explicit in the Journal’s norms and also the formats practised in agreement by CAPES and others standards of excellence adopted by the journal.

  1. The authors must express the existence or not of conflict of interest of financial, commercial, political, academic and personal order. Making clear that any financial support and (or) material received for the development of the manuscript is clearly informed in the submission process and will be inserted in the text.
  2. The declaration of "AUTHORIZATION, CONFLICT OF INTEREST AND PUBLICATION PERMISSION" must be attached during the manuscript submission process. In case of co-authorship, a declaration must be submitted for each co-author. Insert the document during the submission process in the option "SEND A NEW FILE". Failure to submit this declaration will lead to rejection of the paper in the editors' preliminary desk review.


Manuscript formatting rules:

  1. Articles must have between 35,000 and 63,000 characters with spaces. Larger texts may be published, at the editor's discretion, if the size is justified.
  2. The first page of the paper must include: Title, Abstract and keywords (all with the respective translation into English).
  3. a) Keywords should facilitate the efficient retrieval of the text in the search and indexing mechanisms of the journal. Keywords should follow an understanding of more general, intermediate, and specific terms; we advise the authors not to use newly created terminology, unusual abbreviations, or slangs.
  4. b) We recommend the authors don’t use words or expressions already included in the title, and considerd synonyms of the content presented in the text, in order to increase the return of the text in the search engines.
  5. c) The abstract must be between 150 and 200 words, where the main elements of the text must be presented, such as field of study, objectives, methods, result and conclusion. Citations and references should not be inserted in the abstract, which must be written in such a way as to emphasize the objective, method, results and conclusions of the document. It should be written in concise, affirmative sentences and not in a list of topics, with verbs in the active voice and in the third person singular.
  6. In the manuscript, this formatting rules must be followed: Microsoft Word text editor; A4 sheet; Margins: left and top 3 cm, right and bottom 2 cm; Font: Times New Roman, size 12; Pagination in the upper right corner; Paragraph justified; Line spacing: 1.5.
  7. Direct citations with less than three lines must be contained in double quotes in the text. Direct citations in the text, longer than three lines, must be separated with a 4 cm backward from the left margin, with font 10 and without quotation marks. In citations, references in the body of the text must be made using the name-date system (according to ABNT NBR-10520) with the indication of the surname, year and page of publication.


- Dantas (2001, p. 72) afirma que, “[...] ao mesmo tempo em que assegura ao indivíduo, como direito seu, a propriedade, a Constituição, exige que esta tenha em si uma função social [...]”.

- Os princípios são formulados de maneira vaga e indeterminada, constituindo espaços livres para a complementação e desenvolvimento do sistema normativo ulterior (CANOTILHO, 2002, p. 51).


  1. The list of references at the end of the text, according to ABNT NBR-6023, must be presented in alphabetical order, and must be clear and complete (eventually, the evaluators may question them, and may ask, through the editors, more information to the author).

MANSILLA, H. C. F. La controversia entre universalismo y particularismo en la filosofia de la cultura. Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia, Buenos Aires, v. 24, n. 2, 1998.

WEIS, Carlos. Direitos humanos contemporâneos. 2. ed. São Paulo: Malheiros, 2010. ZIMMERMANN, Clóvis Roberto. Os programas sociais sob a ótica dos direitos humanos: o caso do Bolsa Família do governo Lula no Brasil. Sur, Rev. int. direitos humanos. p. 144-159, São Paulo, v. 3, n. 4, Jun. 2006.

17.1 In the references, even when there is repeated recording of works by the same author throughout the text, its last name should be reworded, not replaced by a sublinear line, so that it is recovered by search engines.

  1. Explanatory notes should be kept to a minimum and presented at the footer of pages with font 10, Times New Roman.
  2. Doubts about the submission process can be clarified by contacting

Prim@Facie, a journal of PPGCJ/UFPB, is published in digital format (ISSN 1678-2593) and, since 2016, has frequency every four months.

The Editors



Conditions for submission

As part of the submission process, the authors are required to verify the submission's compliance with all items listed below. Submissions that do not comply with the rules will be returned to the authors.

The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal; otherwise, it must be justified in "Comments to the editor".

The content of the article is the sole responsibility of the authors and the opinions expressed in them do not express the views of Prim @ Facie or its editorial team.

The authors transfer their rights to publish and distribute their work to Prima Facie magazine, authorizing its use for non-commercial purposes, including the right to submit the work in Open Access databases.

Data regarding the authors' titles, including Lattes Curriculum and ORCID-iD code were inserted in the submission. In addition, it contains a presentation letter, inserted in the item “Comments for the editor”, containing the link to the Lattes Curriculum and other relevant URLs, describing personal research references and the context of the investigation.

The author filled in the metadata completely. Inserting title, abstract, keywords and references. It should also inform areas and subareas of knowledge of the work, as well as the existence of funding agencies. The article does not identify the author or authors. In case of submission to a peer-reviewed section (e.g., articles), the instructions available in Ensuring blind peer review were followed.

The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in Guidelines for Authors, on the page About the Journal.

The submission file is in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF format.

Authors include in the submission process the Declaration of Authorship, Conflicts of Interest and Permission to Publish.

When it is the case, the author describes in detail the source of funding for the research, indicating the sources, notice and/or funding agencies that contributed to the research.


Palavra científica do Conselho Editorial ou de professor com delegação para tal função.


Destinada a conferências de notoriedade.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.