Brazilian “Social Organizations” And The Controversy Over The Role Of The State In The Face Of Non-Exclusive Public Services




Administrative Reform; Management Reform; Third sector; ADI nº 1.923.


This article examines the figure of social organizations in the context of the Reform of the State Apparatus (known as Managerial Reform) carried out in Brazil in the 1990s, with a focus on the intended redefinition of the role of the State and the transfer of the execution of non-exclusive public services to private entities. It is justified from the controversial debate about the compatibility of the model of Social Organizations (SO), especially in relation to a possible withdrawal of the Public Power from the direct execution of services linked to the areas of action of such entities. It seeks to verify the extent to which the State is responsible for the provision of public services linked to the areas of action of the SOs? It was possible to verify that the constitutional call of the private initiative as a collaborator of the State in these areas does not authorize a replacement mechanism, which relegates to the Public Power the exclusive responsibility of monitoring and promotion, discharging the duty of direct provision. On the other hand, there was a gap in the existing doctrinal and jurisprudential controversy regarding the analysis of the theme in an interdisciplinary way, especially in view of the lack of deepening in the scope of politics and the general theory of Law and the State.


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Author Biographies

Alessandra Brustolin, Universidade Estadual do Norte do Paraná (UENP)

Doutoranda e mestra em Ciência Jurídica pela UENP - Universidade Estadual do Norte do Paraná. Fundadora da Research (2023). Docente desde 2019 na rede privada de ensino. Atualmente se dedica aos temas da pesquisa acadêmica na área das ciências sociais com ênfase no Direito, Metodologia de Pesquisa, Direito Constitucional, Judicialização da Saúde, atuação das Cortes Constitucionais e Direito Comparado.

Nayara Sepulcri, Centro Universitário Univel

Doutora em Direito pela Universidade Federal do Paraná. Mestre em Direito pela mesma instituição. Especialista em Direito Tributário, pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Estudos Tributários - IBET. Professora de gradução e especialização em Direito Tributário. Visiting Researcher na Universidade da Califórnia em Los Angeles (UCLA). Advogada.Tem experiência na área de Direito, com ênfase em Direito Tributário.



How to Cite

BRUSTOLIN, A.; SEPULCRI, N. Brazilian “Social Organizations” And The Controversy Over The Role Of The State In The Face Of Non-Exclusive Public Services. Prim@ Facie - Law, History and Politics, [S. l.], v. 21, n. 48, 2023. DOI: 10.22478/ufpb.1678-2593.2022v21n48.62601. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.