Ethnography and organizations: transdisciplinarity in anthropology & accounting


  • Luciano D'Ascenzi Agergs


Ethnography. Organizations. Transdisciplinarity.


Objective: the text portrays some possibilities for transdisciplinary dialogue in accounting and anthropology in order to produce marginal and synergistic gains.

Method and approach: being mediated by the “customized” ethnographic method, it presents points for comparative analysis, in time, space and mobilization of conceptual elements from the relevant contexts of action; of these, it highlights the relative place of functionality, present in both compared practices, as the longest-lived element in the social sciences, and still hegemonic within contemporary organizations.

Contributions: concluding by the possibility, pertinence and usefulness of the movement intended, in view of the eventuality of social problems proving to be resistant to approaches founded on the regulation of proportionalities of the causal chains of structural-functionalist perspectives.

Originality and relevance: it acknowledges possible policies on social diversity, which has ceased to be an eccentricity to set an increasingly important organizational trend and/or objective.


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How to Cite

D’Ascenzi, L. (2022). Ethnography and organizations: transdisciplinarity in anthropology & accounting. Prosppectus - Perspectivas Qualitativas Em Contabilidade E Organizações, 2(1), 29–44. Retrieved from



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