The Cine-Bixa and our dialogues on sexual and gender diversity

an experience report


  • Luciana Maria Ribeiro de Oliveira UFPB



The following text is characterized as an experience report of the Cine-Bixa extension project (2018 / FLUEX / UFPB), which aims to make filmic exhibitions / interventions on gender and sexual diversity in spaces and institutions inside and outside. from the university. Through the activities carried out, it is intended to create new possibilities for dialogue, critical reflection and social change in the search for a better life and coexistence between LGBTQI + and non-LGBTQI + people. From a methodological perspective of intervention by education and understanding education as an instrument of social transformation and liberation from oppression (FREIRE, 1996), which promotes the acceptance of the diversities that circulate and are part of it (LOURO, 2013), is that Cine Bixa is outlined. The project is recent, being created in the current year, but we can already visualize some initial theoretical reflections from the “close and inside” observations (MAGNANI, 2002; 2009) made in the exhibitions / interventions that took place. This also positions us with watchful eyes from researchers to the phenomena that arise in the running movement.


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Author Biography

Luciana Maria Ribeiro de Oliveira, UFPB

Professora Adjunta do Departamento de Ciências Sociais - DCS/UFPB Professora Colaboradora do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia - PPGA/UFPB Líder do Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas em Etnografias Urbanas - GUETU/UFPB


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Dossiê Campos de extensão universitária na antropologia brasileira