Covid-19 and the numbers

race/color variable and controversies of notifications


  • Tatiane Pereira Muniz Muniz Universidade Federal do Rio Grande Sul - Programa de Pós-graduação em Antropologia Social Instituto Federal da Bahia



The notification of covid-19 in Brazil has been in the middle of series of disputes, since diagnosis difficulties (due to scarcity of tests in the first beginning of pandemics), difficulty related to daily data updating (due to delay of patient´s testing results), until the mistakes around data survey by race/color, the subject under analysis in this essay. I seek to explore throughout this text the disputes surrounding racial classifications in healthy services in the country, calling attention to the needing of better accuracy in the use of racial categories in different regional contexts and ensuring trustworthiness of data according the reality of different populations, once it is based on this data that public policies are formulated to fight against health disparities.


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