A cerâmica e a arqueologia em Belém/PA

Desvendando a influência do passado na contemporaneidade


  • Ana Carolina da Silva Brito de Azevedo Universidade Federal do Pará
  • Renata De Godoy Universidade Federal do Pará




Today archaeological inspired pottery and handicrafts have been the subject of studies to analyze the relationship between vestiges of a material culture related to the past with the societies of the present. In the present work, the goal is to identify this practice and to compare the techniques of past and present pottery making from the from local ceramists who are dedicated to such production. This research was built based on experiments in the Archeology laboratory of the Federal University of Pará, the field research at the Anísio Handicraft Shop, and the Feira do Paracuri, in Icoaraci (district of Belém/PA), as well as in interviews with a ceramist related to the Emilio Goeldi Museum. The handicraft production of ceramics with archaeological inspiration or with new graphics plays an essential role in maintaining an identity and ancestral knowledge that remains to this day.


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Dossiê Antropologia e Turismo: reinvenções e produções simbólicas do real