BIBLIOTHERAPHY FOR OLD AGE: what it is and what it means


  • Rachel Barbosa de Castro
  • Edna Gomes Pinheiro


The study intends to investigate the contribution that Bibliotheraphy can provide to aged people, in regard to their life expectations and social “isolation”, finding in the reading one of the roads for the dignity of human life. It is perceived that the insert of reading to this kind of groups, away of family and friends, is an important tool to make them believe in the certainty that they can be happy again. This research was accomplished in an institution named AMEM (Metropolitan Association of Eradication of the Begging), where old people are received without distinction of class, be of economical, social, race or religious credo. The 47 reside senior are assisted by 16 employees and volunteers of several areas, mainly from the health area. It was used as research method the qualitative approach, associated to the technique of sensitive listen, and as data collection instruments the interview, the tape recorder and the field diary. Bibliotheraphy arises in this context as a propiciator element of emotional and psychological support to the senior that live in those institutions, in order to allow them a better life quality.


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