INFORMATION RESOURCES COOPERATION/SHARING: unveiling the mobilizing axes of collection development


  • Rita da Silva Leite
  • Eliane Bezerra Paiva


The information resources cooperation/sharing is a way of forming a library collection, especially when the crisis in the Brazilian universities reflects lack of investments for the acquisition of such resources. This research account originated in the Graduate Student Survey Final Report (TCC), major in Library Science, carried out at the Federal University of Paraíba’s (UFPB) Central Library (BC), with the aim of analyzing the service of information resources cooperation/sharing for the development of collections. The methodology used consisted of a bibliographical research to compose the theoretical framework, and a field research which, based on Bardin (1979), analyzed the letters received by the Exchange Section between January 2000 and June 2005. The results point out institutions that constitute mobilizing axes of information resources cooperation/sharing activities such as libraries in private universities and foundations, as well as museums, government secretariats, publishing houses, and private and public companies.


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