Um estudo sobre a formação do bibliotecário e a prática no serviço de referência



The article presents a study on the librarianship curriculum, with a focus on the reference service, and the practice of the professional of that service. The objective is to understand the influence of the librarianship curriculum in the daily practice of the reference librarian, in order to verify how such professional practice takes place in relation to the theoretical learning of the librarianship graduation. Therefore, we opted for a qualitative research, in which an in-depth semi-structured interview was conducted with eight librarians from public, school, university and specialized libraries, who work in the reference sector. It was also adopted the observation of participants in the workplace. The results showed that the subjects taken at the undergraduate level have little influence on practice, and there are other factors considered important, such as internships and experience of daily practice. However, with observation, it was found that theories are applied to practice, which is remarkable through the differentiated and more qualified service of the reference librarian


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Author Biography

Gracirlei Maria de Carvalho Lima, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

Mestranda em Ciência da Informação pelo Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação da Universidade Federal de Mina Gerais.

Bibliotecária-documentalista na Escola de Engenharia da UFMG.





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