Processo criativo em moda

uma revisão bibliometrica acerca dos autores da área


  • Cristiano Max Pereira Pinheiro
  • Milena Cherutti Universidade Feevale


The theme of this research surrounds or the study of creative processes in fashion, which are the main factors of intuition and arise from the need to solve problems. It is admitted as a guiding question of this study to carry out a mapping of authors regarding content about creative processes in fashion, listing their main concepts and approaches and, the general objective includes understanding who are the main authors who study about creative processes in the area fashion, bringing its fundamental concepts. This research becomes pertinent in the investigation of authors and concepts of creative processes in fashion, serving as a basis for use in future more in-depth studies, since it is part of a study at the macro level, resulting from disciplines and research project for the Professional Master's in Creative Industry, from Feevale University.


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Author Biography

Cristiano Max Pereira Pinheiro

Doutorado em Comunicação Social (PUCRS); coordenador dos Cursos de Jornalismo, Relações Públicas e Publicidade e Propaganda e professor do Mestrado em Indústria Criativa (Universidade Feevale); e-mail:





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