study of the representation of information on the Netflix streaming platform


  • Beatriz Kevelly de Souza Neves Luz Universidade Federal do Pará
  • Eddie Carlos Saraiva da Silva Universidade Federal do Pará
  • Franciele Marques Redigolo Universidade Federal do Pará


The research addresses the indexing and retrieval of information on the Netflix streaming platform. It investigates information retrieval and possible problems regarding the thematic representation of information on the platform. It aims to evaluate the practice of indexing and retrieval on Netflix as a researcher-user of the platform. The research has a qualitative and quantitative approach and adopts the exploratory case study as a methodological approach. It is observed that, in fact, the indexing performance reflects on the information retrieval and corroborates the idea of ​​Chaumier (1988) when he found that the existence of noise, in 90% of the cases, is indicative of an inadequate indexing. The recurrent evaluation of this type of process is of paramount importance not only to improve the quality and usability of the system, but above all to help the professional in the knowledge of the system that works in order to be able to satisfy the intellectual need of the user in an effective, fast and efficient way. with quality. In addition, it confirms the importance of discussing this topic in academia, as well as the development of more research related to the thematic treatment of audiovisual information, with the aim of meeting the demands for information currently presented.


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Author Biographies

Beatriz Kevelly de Souza Neves Luz, Universidade Federal do Pará

Graduanda em Biblioteconomia pela Universidade Federal do Pará.

Eddie Carlos Saraiva da Silva, Universidade Federal do Pará

Mestrando em Ciência da Informação pela Universidade Federal do Pará. Bacharel em Biblioteconomia pela Universidade Federal do Pará. Bibliotecário no Instituto Tecnológico Vale.

Franciele Marques Redigolo, Universidade Federal do Pará

Doutora em Ciência da Informação pela Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho. Docente na Faculdade de Biblioteconomia e no Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação pela Universidade Federal do Pará.





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