A Biblioteca Escolar e o conceito de mediação da Leitura


  • Cristiane Lopes Carvalho Nikel
  • Patrícia Vargas Alencar Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO) https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3670-0909
  • Daniele Achilles Rosa Dutra Unversidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO)




The coronavirus pandemic has accelerated and highlighted changes in library services, raising questions regarding professional librarian work and highlighting the concept of mediation. The new times point to the problem of the necessary virtualization of library services combined with the return to the community in professional activities of interaction with and between readers, as in the case of the School Library. The objective of this article is to investigate the concept of mediation of reading by school libraries in a relational and continuous way, as the educational process suggests within the context of virtualization of services and readings. The methodology used is of a qualitative nature based on exploratory bibliographical research on the subject in the Literature of Library Science and Information Science. In this way, there is a discussion of the mission and representativeness of libraries to act in a relevant way in society and of issues inherent in the process of mediating.


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Author Biography

Cristiane Lopes Carvalho Nikel

Graduada em Biblioteconomia e Documentação pela Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF) e em Serviço Social pela Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), atuou por mais de 2 anos em Projeto de extensão da Uerj focada em trabalhos socioeducativos, é especialista em Gestão de Bibliotecas Escolares, com mais de 10 anos de experiência em Biblioteca escolar. Atualmente é bibliotecária do Instituto Federal Colégio Pedro II.





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