Project management and podcast ethnography
basis to introduce portfolios and deliverables from the podosphere
This article presents conceptual bases about the Project Management and also methodological bases of the Podcast Ethnography, both applied at managing a project on the podosphere which is called Find out the Academic Library through Podcasting, developed from 2019 to 2023. As a theoretical approach, Project Management is under discussion based on reference books, theses, and scientific articles available on digital libraries. As a research method, Podcast Ethnography is introduced based on its stages, which are: Explore, Engage and Examine. These stages allowed analyzing an academic podcast which has undergone some transitions, like editorial line, recording format, target audience, stakeholders, and hosting platform. In addition, these transitions required brand changing, according to the name of the project: BCHcast (between 2019 and 2020), Plurissaberes (from 2020 to 2023), and Cocriando na Podosfera (from 2023 and on). As results, this article applies the conceptual and methodological approaches to manage portfolios and deliverables as part of eight academic projects managed on the podosphere, named: TAEs na Pesquisa, PodArtigos, Pró-Inclusão, AsasCast, Empregacast, InnovaBiblio, SMPC 2022, and Filhas de Avalon. The conclusion is that the success of the project was achieved from the contributions of stakeholders, besides considering some possibilities for future studies from this article.