MODERN INDIVIDUALISM AND PSYCHIC SUFFERING: analysis of an Anonymous Neurotic Virtual Community




psychic suffering, individualism, Neurotics Anonymous, urban culture


The article aims to discuss the relationship between psychic suffering and individualism in modern society from a theoretical-methodological approach based on Anthropology and Sociology of Emotions. We employ qualitative analysis – the method of virtual ethnography – focusing on narratives within the online group “Caminho Novo” created by the brotherhood Neurotics Anonymous (N/A). Our approach prioritizes the lived experience of individuals in situations of psychic suffering taking place in a virtual environment of mutual aid. In this environment, we encounter a kaleidoscope of narratives constituted by several emotional experiences analyzed in their content and social meaning. The research results revealed that the social world, characterized by a new individualistic orientation, is intimately related to psychic suffering that permeates the testimonies of the Mutual Aid Group Anonymous Neurotics (N/A).


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Author Biography

Idayane Gonçalves Soares, UFPB

Mestranda em Sociologia pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação (PPGS) da Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB), com financiamento da CAPES. Bacharela em Ciências Sociais pela UFPB, com período sanduíche na Universidade de Coimbra (UC) pelo Programa Fórmula de Bolsas de Mobilidade Internacional Santander Universidades (2017). Pesquisadora do GREM – Grupo de Pesquisa em Antropologia e Sociologia das Emoções e do GREI – Grupo Interdisciplinar de Estudos em Imagem. ID Lattes: 7519186177505691.

