
  • Catarina Sofia Pereira Paula
  • Sónia Maria Martins Caridade Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Universidade Fernando Pessoa




Crime no feminino. Disparidades nas sentenças. Gênero. Sistema de justiça criminal.


Com esta revisão estruturada da literatura pretendeu-se analisar as disparidades nas sentenças judiciais que envolvem mulheres agressoras. Foi efetuada uma pesquisa em diversas bases de dados eletrónicas, acedendo-se a um total de 30 artigos. A análise destes diferentes estudos permitiu perceber que ainda são escassos os trabalhos de investigação nesta área. Entre os diferentes fatores com potencial influência no resultado das sentenças judiciais, identificaram-se: idade, existência de filhos, raça, tipo de crime praticado, escolaridade e antecedentes criminais. Concluiu-se pela necessidade de haver transformações nas práticas sociais e jurídicas, promovendo a eficácia normativa e a credibilização do sistema judicial.


Não há dados estatísticos.

Biografia do Autor

Catarina Sofia Pereira Paula

Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Universidade Fernando Pessoa

Sónia Maria Martins Caridade, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Universidade Fernando Pessoa

Doutorada em Psicologia da Justiça pela Universidade do Minho. Professora Auxiliar na Universidade Fernando Pessoa (UFP) do Porto, Portugal. Co-coordenadora da Unidade de Psicologia Forense da Clínica Pedagógica de Psicologia da UFP e investigadora no Observatório Permanente Violência e Crime desta mesma universidade. Desenvolveu a sua tese de doutoramento na área da violência das relações íntimas juvenis e é autora de diversas publicações, nacionais e internacionais, neste domínio e nas áreas da Psicologia da Justiça e Vitimologia. É revisora em várias revistas nacionais e internacionais.


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Beichner, Dawn; Spohn, Cassia (2000), “Is preferential treatment of female offenders a thing of the past? A multisite study of gender, race, and imprisonment”, Criminal Justice Policy Review, 11(2), 149-184.

Bickle, Gayle; Peterson, Ruth (1991), “The impact of gender-based family roles on criminal sentencing”, Problems, 38(3), 372-394.

Brennan, Pauline (2006), “Sentencing female misdemeanants: An examination of the direct and indirect effects of race/ethnicity, Justice Quarterly, 23(1), 60-95.

Caridade, Sónia; Nunes, Laura (2017), “Gênero, sistema de justiça criminal e controlo social: uma análise sobre o crime feminino”, in Jorge Trindade e Fernanda Molinari (orgs.), Portugal. Psicologia Forense: Novos Caminhos. Porto Alegre: Imprensa Livre, 305-322.

Cauffman, Elizabeth (2008), “Understanding female offender”, The Future of Children, 18(2), 119-142.

Curry, Theodore; Lee, Gang; Rodriguez, Fernando (2006), “Gender differences in criminal sentencing: Do effects vary across violent, property, and drug offenses?”, Social Science Quarterly, 87(2), 318-339.

Daly, Kathleen (1987), “Discrimination in the criminal courts: Family, gender, and the problem of equal treatment”, Social Forces, 66(1), 152-175.

Daly, Kathleen (1989), “Rethinking judicial paternalism: gender, work-family relations, and sentencing”, Gender & Society, 3(1), 9-39.

Demuth, Stephen; Steffensmeier, Darrell (2006), “Does gender modify the effects of race-ethnicity on criminal sanctioning? Sentences for male and female white, black, and hispanic defendants”, Journal Quantitative Criminology, 22, 241-261.

Demuth, Stephen; Doerner, Jill (2010), “The independent and joint effects of race/ethnicity, Gender, and age on sentencing outcomes in U.S. federal courts”, Justice Quarterly, 27(1), 1-27.

Demuth, Stephen; Doerner, Jill (2014), “Gender and sentencing in the federal courts: Are women treated more leniently?”, Criminal Justice Policy Review, 25(2), 242-269.

Doerner, Jill (2015), “The joint effects of gender and race/ethnicity on sentencing outcomes in federal courts”, Women & Criminal Justice, 25, 313-338.

Duarte, Vera (2012), Discursos e percursos na delinquência juvenil feminina. Lisboa: Húmus.

Frank, James et al. (2015), “From initial appearance to sentencing: Do female defendants experience disparate treatment?”, Journal of Criminal Justice, 43, 406-417.

Franklin, Cortney; Fearn, Noelle (2008), “Gender, race, and formal court decision-making outcomes: Chivalry/ paternalism conflict theory or gender conflict?”, Journal of Criminal Justice, 36, 279-290.

Freiburger, Tina (2010), “The effects of gender, family status, and race on sentencing decisions”, Behaviour Sciences and the Law, 28, 378-395.

Freiburger, Tina (2011), “The impact of gender, offense type, and family role on the decision to incarcerate”. Social Justice Research, 24, 143-167.

Freiburger, Tina; Hilinski, Carly (2010), “The impact of race, gender, and age on the pretrial decision”, Criminal Justice Review, 35(3), 318-334.

Freiburger, Tina; Hilinski, Carly (2013), “An examination of the interactions of race and gender on sentencing decisions using a trichotomous dependent variable”, Crime & Delinquency, 59(1), 59-86.

Freiburger, Tina; Pierce, Mari (2011), “Assessing the influence of familial paternalism on child neglect sentencing decisions”, American Journal of Criminal Justice, 36, 421-433.

Freiburger, Tina; Sheeran, Alyssa (2017), “The join effects of race, ethnicity, gender, and age on the incarceration and sentence lenght decisions”, Race and Justice, XX(X), 1-20.

Griffin, Timothy; Wooldredge, John (2006), “Sex based disparities in felony dispositions before versus after sentencing reform in Ohio”, Criminology, 44(4), 893-923.

Gruhl, John; Spohn, Cassia; Welch, Susan (1985), “Women defendants in court: the interaction between sex and race in convicting and sentencing.”, Social Science Quarterly, 66(1), 178-185.

Hagan, John; Nagel, Ilene (1983), “Gender and crime: Offense patterns and criminal court sanctions”, The University of Chicago Press Journals, 4, 91-144.

Hartley, Richard et al. (2011), “Exploring sex disparity in sentencing outcomes: A focus on narcotics offenders in South Korea”, International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 55(2), 268-286.

Jeffries, Samantha (2002), “Does gender really matter? Criminal court decision making in New Zealand”, New Zealand Sociology, 17(1),135-149.

Kaukinen, Catherine (1995), Women lawbreakers constructed in terms of traditional definitions of femininity: The sentencing of women in conflict with the law (Tese de mestrado não publicada). University of Windsor.

Koons-Witt, Barbara (2002), “The effect of gender on the decision to incarcerate before and after the introduction of sentencing guidelines”, Criminology, 40(2), 297-327.

Kruttschnitt, Candace (1980-1981), “Social status and sentences of female offenders”, Law & Society Review, 15(2), 247-266.

Kruttschnitt, Candace (1982), “Respectable women and law”, The Sociological Quarterly, 23(2), 221-234.

Kruttschnitt, Candace; Savolainen, Jukka (2009), “Ages of chivalry, places of paternalism”, European Journal of Criminology, 6(3), 225-247.

Machado, Helena (2004), “Cidadania polifónica e a (in)justiça para as mulheres”, Ex-aequo: revista da Associação Portuguesa de Estudos sobre as Mulheres, 13-26.

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Page, Amy (2008), “Judging women and defining crime: Police officers’ attitudes toward women and rape”, Sociological Spectrum, 28, 389-411.

Philippe, Arnaud (2017), “Gender disparities in criminal justice”, Toulouse School of Economics, (17-762), 2-32.

Silva, Vera (2013), “Controlo e punição: As prisões para mulheres”, Ex Aequo, (28), 59-72.

Spears, Jeffrey; Spohn, Cassia (1997), “Gender and case processing decisions”, Women & Criminal Justice, 8(3), 29-59.

Spohn, Cassia (1999), “Gender and sentencing of drug offenders: Is chivalry dead?”, Criminal Justice Policy Review, 9(3), 365-399.

Spohn, Cassia; Stacey, Ann (2006), “Gender and the social costs of sentencing: An analysis of sentences imposed on male and female offenders in three U.S. district courts”, Berkeley Journal of Criminal Law, 11(2), 43-76.

Steffensmeier, Darrell et al. (1998), “The interaction of race, gender, and age in criminal sentencing: the punishment cost of being young, black, and male”, Criminology, 36(4), 763-798.

Viglione, Jill; Hannon, Lance; Defina, Robert (2011). The impact of light skin on prison time for

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Williams, Marian (1999). Gender and sentencing: An analysis of indicators. CJPR, 10(4), 471-490.



Como Citar

PAULA, C. S. P.; CARIDADE, S. M. M. (DIS)PARIDADES DE GÊNERO AO NÍVEL DAS SENTENÇAS JUDICIAIS: UMA REVISÃO ESTRUTURADA DA LITERATURA. Gênero & Direito, [S. l.], v. 7, n. 2, 2018. DOI: 10.22478/ufpb.2179-7137.2018v7n2.42407. Disponível em: https://periodicos.ufpb.br/ojs/index.php/ged/article/view/42407. Acesso em: 26 set. 2024.



Direitos Humanos e Políticas Públicas de Gênero