
  • Olga V. Rogach Candidate of sociological sciences, assistant professor at the Department of Management and Administration
  • Elena V. Frolova Doctor of sociological sciences, professor of the Department of Management and Administration.
  • Tatyana M. Ryabova Candidate of sociological sciences, assistant professor at the Department of Management and Administration
  • Valeriy V. Bondaletov Candidate of sociological sciences, assistant professor of the Institut innovatsionnykh tekhnologiy i gosudarstvennogo upravleniya
  • Andrey V. Prokhorov Candidate of philology, associate professor at the management, marketing and advertising department; Head, The Centre of Educational Services Marketing, Derzhavin Tambov State University



civil activity, civil platforms, gamification, social activity, gaming techniques


The authors conducted the study of electronic referendum system of the Moscow government "Active Citizen" in order to determine the possibilities of gamification use on the platforms for civil participation, the influence of game mechanics on the civic activity of Russians. The methods of research were the following ones: qualitative analysis of "Active citizen" user feedback, presented on the official Internet portal, as well as user interviews (N = 30). The interview allowed to reveal the motivational attitudes of the respondents' representation on the platform "Active citizen", to evaluate the key parameters of the civil activity platform functioning and the elements of gamification. The result of the study determined that the civil platform creates an opportunity to discuss some important issues for the city. However, with the observation of democratic procedure appearance, there is the substitution of real participation in the state management for the possibility of discussion. The performed study showed the ambivalent nature of gamification use. The respondents demonstrate the polarity of gaming method perception during their transfer to civil platforms: for some participants the possibility of score accumulation is a pleasant bonus to the opportunity to take part in urban problem solution, while it becomes an aim for others and an opportunity to increase one's self-esteem. According to public opinion, the system of electronic referendums of the Moscow government "Active Citizen" will not reduce the demand in the long term


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Como Citar

V. ROGACH, O. .; V. FROLOVA, E. .; M. RYABOVA, T. .; V. BONDALETOV, V. .; V. PROKHOROV, A. . GAMIFICATION POSSIBILITY USE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF POPULATION CIVIL ACTIVITY PLATFORMS. Gênero & Direito, [S. l.], v. 8, n. 7, 2019. DOI: 10.22478/ufpb.2179-7137.2019v8n7.49996. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 jan. 2025.



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