
  • Marat R. Suleymanov Kazan Federal University
  • Guzel A. Valeeva Kazan Federal University



transnational corporations, TNC’s, globalization, legal entity, private law.


The goal of any branch of law is the effective regulation of public relations in any area with the goal of streamlining them. For this, it is necessary that the content of legal norms, as in a mirror, reflects the modern development of society and its ties. The past century and the current century have brought a lot to the modern world, and many of these innovations are associated primarily with the process of globalization. The consequence of this was the spread of integration processes, both between states and between business structures. Transnationalism and transnational corporations are natural consequences of the development of the world; they reflect the desire of mankind to unify goods and services. We note right away that by a transnational corporation we mean a complex union of legal and non-legal entities with the ability to combine their resources, experience and knowledge on a global scale, between which there are stable internal economic ties, consisting of one or more parent companies and separate, but dependent subsidiaries units located in more than two states. This article compares the legal personality of a legal entity under the civil law of the Russian Federation with the legal personality of transnational corporations.


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Como Citar

R. SULEYMANOV, M. .; A. VALEEVA, G. . LEGAL PERSONALITY OF INCORPORATED ENTITIES IN RUSSIAN LEGISLATION AND TNC. Gênero & Direito, [S. l.], v. 8, n. 7, 2019. DOI: 10.22478/ufpb.2179-7137.2019v8n7.49998. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 jan. 2025.



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