
  • Artur Ravilevich Karimov Kazan Federal University
  • Alexei Sergeyevich Guryanov Kazan Federal University
  • Mikhail Gennadyevich Khort Kazan Federal University




philosophical dialogue, insult, virtue epistemology, intellectual snobbism, intellectual chauvinism, ISUD.


The article is devoted to intra-philosophical dialogue and those obstacles that threaten it. One of these obstacles seems to be the self-reflection of philosophers that philosophy itself is an insult and is only possible as an insult. They argue that philosophy, challenging the opinion of authorities or the majority, thereby carries an intellectual insult. In the course of the conceptual analysis of “insult” concept, we show that this point of view is wrong, since insulting requires unfair motivation. Nevertheless, the intellectual insult is present in philosophy in a different form. It is expressed in the disqualification of the opponent as a “non-genuine” philosopher. Such an intellectual attitude, when a certain philosophical position is declared genuine (authentic), and all others are not authentic, is called philosophical chauvinism. Four main forms of intellectual chauvinism in philosophy (and, accordingly, four types of intellectual discrimination) are distinguished: interdisciplinary, intradisciplinary, interschool, and intraschool. Overcoming of intellectual discrimination within philosophy is associated with the need to criticize intellectual arrogance and intellectual snobbery and the development of international and intra-national dialogue in philosophy.


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Como Citar

RAVILEVICH KARIMOV, A. .; SERGEYEVICH GURYANOV, A. .; GENNADYEVICH KHORT, M. . ON THE CULTURE OF PHILOSOPHICAL DIALOGUE. Gênero & Direito, [S. l.], v. 8, n. 7, 2019. DOI: 10.22478/ufpb.2179-7137.2019v8n7.50003. Disponível em: https://periodicos.ufpb.br/ojs/index.php/ged/article/view/50003. Acesso em: 2 jan. 2025.



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