
  • K.K. Kumekhov Dr. habil., Economics, Professor of the Department of Economics and Finance, Odintsovo Branch of the Moscow State Intstitute of International Relations of the Ministry of Exterior of the RF.
  • N. G. Danilochkina Dr. habil,. Economics, Professor, Department of Economics and Finance, Odintsovo Branch of the Moscow State Intstitute of International Relations of the Ministry of Exterior of the RF
  • V. I. Flegantov Ph.D., Economics, Assistant Professor of the Department of Economics and Finance, Odintsovo Branch of the Moscow State Intstitute of International Relations of the Ministry of Exterior of the RF
  • N. V. Cherner Ph.D., Economics, Assistant Professor of the Department of Management, Odintsovo Branch of the Moscow State Intstitute of International Relations of the Ministry of Exterior of the RF



crisis of economic science, scientific approach, economic paradigm, science methods, scientific schools.


The crisis of the economic science may be explained largely by several paradoxes making logical premises uncertain.  Based upon the “methodological pluralism”, they do not explain many fundamental matters making classification and accumulation of knowledge impossible. Our study aims to reveal (analysing modern economic theories by modelling) the main reasons of this state of the economic science, explain them scientifically and suggest the ways to eliminate them.  By monographic studies, comparison and modelling, we have formulated the content of the scientific approach, its elements and their hierarchy.  We have revealed the ways to implement scientific research and substantiated the need for economic modelling based upon identified criteria, and to build governmental economic policies on scientific grounds. Our conclusions and suggested measures are singular in respect of their content.  They enable  to evaluate objectively-based methodic grounds of the economic science anew.  We believe, that the article would be of interest to a wide circle of researches dealing in methodology and economic modelling


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Como Citar

KUMEKHOV, K. .; G. DANILOCHKINA, N.; I. FLEGANTOV, V.; V. CHERNER, N. PARADOXES OF THE MODERN ECONOMIC SCIENCE. Gênero & Direito, [S. l.], v. 8, n. 7, 2020. DOI: 10.22478/ufpb.2179-7137.2019v8n7.50159. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 jan. 2025.



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