This article sheds particular light on the Anglophone crisis in Cameroon, focusing in particular on its internationalization. It exposes the highlights of the manifestation of insecurity in the English-speaking regions of Cameroon. This article finally proposes to explain the roles and intentions of international actors as they attempt to lay the foundations for/or increase their influence in Cameroon
Não há dados estatísticos.
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Chouala, Yves Alexandre. (2005). The Diplomatic Crisis of March 2004 between Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea: Foundations, Challenges and Prospects. [La crise diplomatique de mars 2004 entre le cameroun et la guinee equatoriale : fondements, enjeux et perspectives]. Polis, Revue Camerounaise De Science Politique, 12, Special number 2004-2005.
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International Crisis Group (2019). Cameroon’s Anglophone Crisis: How to Get to Talks? Report No. 272.
Investir au Cameroun. (2019). The US embassy in Cameroon condemns the beheading of law enforcement elements in the English-speaking zone [L’ambassade des États-Unis au Cameroun condamne la décapitation des éléments de force de l’ordre en zone anglophone], Investir au Cameroun, 13th of September 2019.
Keir, Giles. (2013). Russian interests in Sub-Saharan Africa. The Letort Papers, Strategic Studies Institute/US Army War College Press.
Lincényi, M. 2017. Entrepreneurship ecosystem facets: the European migrant crisis and public opinion in Slovakia, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 5(2): 357-367.
Mba Talla, Modeste(2018). Cameroon: between criminalization of collective action, elections and governance of neutralization [Cameroun: entre criminalisation de l’action collective, élections et gouvernance de la neutralisation]. Bulletin of the Franco-Peace Center for Conflict Resolution and Peace Missions, 3(2), 1-9. February.
Mbodiam, Brice R (2019). "The staggering cost of the" Anglophone crisis "in" Cameroon, the ravages of the "Anglophone crisis", Invest in Cameroon, No. 89, September, p.8 (33).
Meyer, Angela. (2006).Regional integration and its influence on the structure, security and stability of weak states: the example of the four Central African states [L'intégration régionale et son influence sur la structure, la sécurité et la stabilité d'Etats faibles: l'exemple de quatre Etats centrafricains]. PhD Thesis in Political Science, Institut d'études politiques de Paris.
Michel, Luc. (2017). How Washington wants to overcome the Anglophone crisis in Cameroon and sponsors secessionist lobbies [Comment Washington veut se saisir dela crise anglophone au Cameroun etparraine les lobbies sécessionnistes!?]. Intelligence Review 'Quartz Africa' (USA), 17th of November 2017.
MID.RU (2018). Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview with the Hommes d’Afrique magazine, Moscow, March 5, 2018.
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Nfi, Joseph Lon. (2014). The reunification debate in Southern British Cameroons.The Role of French Cameroon Immigrants. Bamenda, Langaa RPCIG.
Nga Efouba, Sosthène. (2018). From British Cameroon to the Anglophone crisis [Du Cameroun britannique à la crise Anglophone]. Paris, L’Harmattan.
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Olivier, Lawrence, Bédard, Guy, Ferron Julie (Ed). (2005). Elaboration of a research problem: sources, tools and method [Elaboration d'un problème de recherche: sources, outils et méthode]. Paris, L'Harmattan.
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Rezk, M.R., Radwan, A., Salem, N.M., Sakr, T.M., Tvaronavičienė, M. 2019. Foresight for sustainable energy policy in Egypt: results from a Delphi survey. Insights into Regional Development, 1(4), 357-369.
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Škuflić, L.; Krpan, M.; Žmuk, B. 2018. Migration and the economic crisis in the European Union member states: cluster analysis, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 6(2): 979-1000.
Smout, Marie-Claude Battistela, Dario, and Venesson, Pascal. (2003). Dictionary of International Relations [Dictionnaire des relations internationales], Paris, Dalloz.
The Geneva Declaration on Armed Violence and Development, 2006.
Zeibote, Z.; Volkova, T.; Todorov, K. 2019. The impact of globalization on regional development and competitiveness: cases of selected regions, Insights into Regional Development 1(1): 33-47
Bensimon, Cyril. (2019). The Anglophone crisis in Cameroon before the Security Council (La crise anglophone au Cameroun devant le Conseil de sécurité). Le Monde Afrique, 13th of May.
Biya, Paul.(2019). The Head of State’s Message to the Nation, 10th of September.
Boniface, Pascal. (1995). Lexicon of International Relations [Lexique des relations internationales]. Paris, Ellipses.
Bouopda, Pierre Kamé. (2017). The Anglophone crisis in Cameroon [La crise anglophone au Cameroun]. Paris, L'Harmattan.
Chouala, Yves Alexandre. (2005). The Diplomatic Crisis of March 2004 between Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea: Foundations, Challenges and Prospects. [La crise diplomatique de mars 2004 entre le cameroun et la guinee equatoriale : fondements, enjeux et perspectives]. Polis, Revue Camerounaise De Science Politique, 12, Special number 2004-2005.
Cossé, Stéphane. (2006). Strengthening transparency in the oil sector in Cameroon: why does it matter? IMF Policy Discussion Paper No. 06/02
Crozier, Michel, and Friedberg,Erhard. (1977). The actor and the system. The constraints of collective action, [L'acteur et le système. Les contraintes de l'action collective]. Paris, Seuil.
De Martin de Viviés, Charles-Timoléon.(2019). Russia to Conquer the African Continent: New area of Moscow influence [La Russie à la conquête du continent africain: nouvelle aire d’influence de Moscou] Portail de L’Il. Analysis, 19th of July.
De Swielande, Tanguy Struye. (2009). China and soft power: a sweet way to defend the national interest? [La Chine et le “Soft power” : une manière douce de défendre l’intérêt national ?] L’Université catholique de Louvain (UCL).
Ebongue, Augustin Emmanuel, and Nkwescheu, Angeline Djoum. (2018). Linguistic Insecurity in the English and French speaking communities of Cameroon. [L'insécurité linguistique dans les communautés anglophone et francophone du Cameroun]. Paris, Editions L'Harmattan.
Foute, Franck. (2019). Opponent arrests and Anglophone crisis in Cameroon: the European Parliament raises the tone [Arrestations d'opposants et crise anglophone au Cameroun: le Parlement européen donne le ton] Jeune Afrique, 19th of April.
Grawitz, Madeleine. (2001). Methodologyin theSocial Sciences. [Méthodes des sciences sociales] Paris, Dalloz.
Grossman, Emiliano. (2004). Actor [Acteur], pp. 31-38. in Boussaguet, Laurie. Dictionary of Public Policies [Dictionnaire des politiques publiques]. Paris, Sciences Po.
Hugon,Philippe.(2003).Armed conflicts in Africa: contributions, myths and limits of economic analysis [Les conflits armés en Afrique : mythes et limites de l'analyse économique]. Revue Tiers Monde, 4(176), 829-855.
Huntington, Samuel P. (2000). The clash of civilizations [Le choc des civilisations].Paris, Odile Jacob.
International Crisis Group (2019). Cameroon’s Anglophone Crisis: How to Get to Talks? Report No. 272.
Investir au Cameroun. (2019). The US embassy in Cameroon condemns the beheading of law enforcement elements in the English-speaking zone [L’ambassade des États-Unis au Cameroun condamne la décapitation des éléments de force de l’ordre en zone anglophone], Investir au Cameroun, 13th of September 2019.
Keir, Giles. (2013). Russian interests in Sub-Saharan Africa. The Letort Papers, Strategic Studies Institute/US Army War College Press.
Lincényi, M. 2017. Entrepreneurship ecosystem facets: the European migrant crisis and public opinion in Slovakia, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 5(2): 357-367.
Mba Talla, Modeste(2018). Cameroon: between criminalization of collective action, elections and governance of neutralization [Cameroun: entre criminalisation de l’action collective, élections et gouvernance de la neutralisation]. Bulletin of the Franco-Peace Center for Conflict Resolution and Peace Missions, 3(2), 1-9. February.
Mbodiam, Brice R (2019). "The staggering cost of the" Anglophone crisis "in" Cameroon, the ravages of the "Anglophone crisis", Invest in Cameroon, No. 89, September, p.8 (33).
Meyer, Angela. (2006).Regional integration and its influence on the structure, security and stability of weak states: the example of the four Central African states [L'intégration régionale et son influence sur la structure, la sécurité et la stabilité d'Etats faibles: l'exemple de quatre Etats centrafricains]. PhD Thesis in Political Science, Institut d'études politiques de Paris.
Michel, Luc. (2017). How Washington wants to overcome the Anglophone crisis in Cameroon and sponsors secessionist lobbies [Comment Washington veut se saisir dela crise anglophone au Cameroun etparraine les lobbies sécessionnistes!?]. Intelligence Review 'Quartz Africa' (USA), 17th of November 2017.
MID.RU (2018). Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview with the Hommes d’Afrique magazine, Moscow, March 5, 2018.
Murawiec, Laurent. (2002). The spirit of nations: cultures and geopolitics [L'esprit des nations: cultures et géopolitique]. Paris, Odile Jacob.
Nfi, Joseph Lon. (2014). The reunification debate in Southern British Cameroons.The Role of French Cameroon Immigrants. Bamenda, Langaa RPCIG.
Nga Efouba, Sosthène. (2018). From British Cameroon to the Anglophone crisis [Du Cameroun britannique à la crise Anglophone]. Paris, L’Harmattan.
Niquet-Cabestan, Valérie (2006). The African strategy of China [La stratégie africaine de la Chine]. Politique étrangère, 2, 361-374.
Ntuda Ebodé, Joseph Vincent. (2010). Terrorism and Piracy: New Security Challenges in Central Africa [Terrorisme et piraterie: nouveaux défis de sécurité en Afrique centrale]. Yaoundé. Presses Universitaires d’Afrique.
Olivier, Lawrence, Bédard, Guy, Ferron Julie (Ed). (2005). Elaboration of a research problem: sources, tools and method [Elaboration d'un problème de recherche: sources, outils et méthode]. Paris, L'Harmattan.
Porteous, Tom. (2003). The evolution of conflicts in sub-Saharan Africa [L'évolution des conflits en Afrique subsaharienne]. Politique étrangère, 2, 307-320.
Powell, Colin L.(2003). Remarks after meeting with Cameroon President Biya (accessed on the 12th of July 2019).
Rezk, M.R., Radwan, A., Salem, N.M., Sakr, T.M., Tvaronavičienė, M. 2019. Foresight for sustainable energy policy in Egypt: results from a Delphi survey. Insights into Regional Development, 1(4), 357-369.
Richardot, Philipe. (2003). The signs of the American hyperpower [Les signes de l'hyperpuissance américaine]. French Review of Geopolitics [Revue Française de Géopolitique], 1 Ellipses, 38-42.
Rosellini, Christine (2005). "The distribution of oil revenue in Central Africa: issues and prospects" in Oil in Africa, The special issue of Contemporary Africa, 216, 4, pp.125-138.
Skidmore, David. (2005). Understanding the unilateralist turn in US foreign policy.Foreign Policy Analysis, 1(2), 207-228.
Škuflić, L.; Krpan, M.; Žmuk, B. 2018. Migration and the economic crisis in the European Union member states: cluster analysis, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 6(2): 979-1000.
Smout, Marie-Claude Battistela, Dario, and Venesson, Pascal. (2003). Dictionary of International Relations [Dictionnaire des relations internationales], Paris, Dalloz.
The Geneva Declaration on Armed Violence and Development, 2006.
Zeibote, Z.; Volkova, T.; Todorov, K. 2019. The impact of globalization on regional development and competitiveness: cases of selected regions, Insights into Regional Development 1(1): 33-47
Como Citar
COTTIN GELIN KOUMA, J. . INTERNATIONAL IMPLICATIONS IN THE ANGLOPHONE CRISIS IN CAMEROON. Gênero & Direito, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 2, 2020. DOI: 10.22478/ufpb.2179-7137.2020v9n2.50808. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 jan. 2025.
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