
  • Bela B. Bidova Chechen State University
  • Shadid Sh. Mucalov Chechen State University
  • Esita E. Ganaeva Chechen State University


extremism, religious extremism, counteraction against religious extremism, struggle against religious extremism


The objective of this research is analysis of extremism problems. The paper presents theoretical bases analysis of optimizing the system of penal-legal and criminological measures against extremism and development of specific proposals and recommendations on improving legislation and preventive measures against this criminal phenomenon. The questions of phenomenology and tendencies of criminal religious extremism were considered in the study. System-structural analysis of its criminological properties and penal characteristic peculiarities of separate institutionalized and extra-institutionalized forms of religious extremism was conducted. In the study, technical and historical- juridical methods were applied. The study and generalization of theoretical materials of the study field were undertaken. Scientific novelty of the study is expressed, in particular, through such its provisions as definition of the authors’ concept “religious extremism”, “criminal religious extremism”. The authors analyzed foreign legal models peculiarities of counteraction against religious extremism and its separate kinds. The authors’ understanding of the criminological characteristic of social consciousness and religious extremism development tendencies in Russia is given. Specific personal character traits of an extremist and a factorial complex of criminal religious extremism were described, and limitations of modern Russian legislation, regulating different aspects of struggle against religious extremism, were revealed. Besides, propositions on improving current legislation, regulating liability for crimes, being a subject of this study, were formulated and substantiated, directions of improving penal and special criminological measures against religious extremism were determined; a set of specific revisions and amendments in the Russian Federation legislation was proposed.


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Como Citar

B. BIDOVA, B. . .; SH. MUCALOV , S. .; E. GANAEVA, E. . . PROBLEMS OF CRIMINAL RELIGIOUS EXTREMISM IN MODERN SOCIETY REALITIES AND RUSSIAN LEGAL SCIENCE ADVANCEMENT. Gênero & Direito, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 03, 2020. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 dez. 2024.



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