
  • Nikolai D. Gomonov Moscow University of Humanities and Economics, the Northwest Branch
  • Vladimir M. Trush Psychological Laboratory of the Correctional Facility №16 of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in Murmansk


criminal identity, convict, crime, term of punishment, criminogenic contamination, humanstructurology, psychological defense.


The topic of the research is the insufficient level of development of methods that allow determining the level of criminogenic contamination of a personality. The purpose of the work presented is to identify the markers of the phenomenon of criminogenic contamination of the criminal's personality. A comparative analysis of the personal characteristics structure of people who committed crimes and law-abiding citizens was conducted from the perspective of G. Ammon’s humanistic personality structure conception. The novelty of the work is due to the consideration of this phenomenon from the perspective of the theory of personality. As a result, the personality traits of those serving criminal penalties in the form of deprivation of liberty, and the differences between their humanstructurology and the main group, have been revealed. Also, the level of severity of criminogenic contamination of a person in quantitative and qualitative aspects is determined. The degree of criminalization is indicated at both  individual and group levels. A comparative statistical analysis of persons of the above categories on the declared markers was carried out. The dynamics of the change in the criminogenic contamination of the criminal personality is analyzed at the level of differences in humanstructurology, as well as in the aspect of the most characteristic and sustainable mechanisms of psychological defense formed by the convicts, based on the length of the sentence and depending on the severity of the crime committed. The conclusion is made that the convict can be considered as a personality, whose level of criminogenic contamination in quantitative and qualitative aspects can be determined. The severity of the crime committed and the term of punishment directly depend on the level of its crime-causing contamination. The materials of the article are of practical value for subjects carrying out individual crime prevention.


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