
  • Yones Kafi Laleh Islamic Azad University Tabriz
  • Hossein Bodaghi Khajeh Noubar Islamic Azad University Tabriz
  • Alireza Moa’tameni Shahid Beheshti University


social networks, word of mouth advertising, brand, marketing


In today's world where individuals are always affected by information bombardment, they need reliable people to give them the right information to choose the goods they need, so they can get the best deal in the shortest time, and these people are known as thought leaders. Social networking has created a huge transformation in business and Internet marketing. In fact, with the growing use of social networking, business and marketing through this mass media has given fresh impetus to the industry and has made its customers loyal with new tools, because these networks are in fact a powerful tool for organizations aimed at reaching target audiences. The role of electronic word of mouth eWOM is increasing on social networks and sites these days. eWOM can increase the popularity of a firm or company. Customers refer to the views of old or current customers before purchasing the goods, which affects the decision making process. The need for today is to understand the awareness and perspectives presented by present studies, and the early steps associated with the exploitation of the vast potential of eWOM are prone to play a key role in this regard. In order to design a marketing strategy effectively, marketing managers should consider, in addition to the proper use of the WOM's they should consider the type of the strategy too, it is suggested that companies take more customers to gain higher profits and achieve winning results to create eWOM Positive attempts.


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75. Sencal and Nantel (2004) also showed that online product recommendations are effective on online consumer choices
76. Travv (2004) also defines viral marketing as any comment about corporate products or services that is widely available through the Internet.



Como Citar

KAFI LALEH, Y. .; BODAGHI KHAJEH NOUBAR, H. .; MOA’TAMENI, A. . IMPORTANCE OF SOCIAL NETWORKS AND WORD OF MOUTH ADVERTISING IN COMMERCE. Gênero & Direito, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 03, 2020. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 dez. 2024.



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