
  • Alexandr V. Polykarov Peoples Friendship University of Russia


counteraction, corruption; social policies; health services.


The study aims to show the scope and limits of administrative anti-corruption regulations, to detect the causes and factors leading to corruption in the social sphere and to identify the possibility of reinforcing administrative anti-corruption means, including in accordance with international standards. A dialectic approach to the examination of social phenomena made it possible to analyze the above issue in historical perspective and the comparative analysis was used to compare Russian anti-corruption legislature with international legal instruments and the anti-corruption laws in force in selected countries. The study defined administrative enforcement as a means of counteracting corruption in the social sphere, determined various administrative procedures adopted in anti-corruption mechanisms and highlighted a discrepancy between Russian anti-corruption legislature and international laws. For the first time in research on administrative law, the study focused on the adoption of administrative anti-corruption regulations in the social sphere in accordance with international legal standards. 


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Como Citar

V. POLYKAROV, A. . INTERNATIONAL ANTI-CORRUPTION LAW AND STANDARDS IN THE SOCIAL SPHERE. Gênero & Direito, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 03, 2020. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 dez. 2024.



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