
  • Yedgar Jafarov Institute of Linguistics of ANAS named after Nasimi



social media, social network, language, virtual space, communication, virtual personality.


In Azerbaijan, as in many other countries, the number of internet users increases day by day. This means that Azerbaijani language spreads in the virtual space as the main communication language of these users. Issues of language usage cause several specific reasons in the virtual world. This creates new language trends linked to the social media phenomenon. Language in the virtual world is not only the mode of communication, but also the mode of self-expression of each internet user, particularly the member of the social networks. In the virtual environment people use language more creatively, than in real life. All these forms peculiar language and style of social media. Sometimes this peculiarity exceeds the bounds of rules and norms of traditional linguistics. Often it also affects the verbal environment of the real life. Therefore, new verbal trends, which we can observe in the virtual space, can both create new perspectives and incur some danger for preserving national linguistic traditions. Also, because of using social media as the tool of communication, adoption of their peculiar style turned into necessity. From this point of view, learning peculiar features of the social media is actual issue for contemporary linguistics. This article is following new linguistic trends observed in the virtual space. It provides detailed information about typical characteristics of the virtual communication, main and additional tools, cases of breaking borders of common language norms and their conditioning factors and new genres created in the virtual space. It also pays attention on the new development perspectives of national languages, created by social media. The article offers suggestions to gain benefits from these perspectives and preserve national languages from the negative impact of the virtual space.  


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Como Citar

JAFAROV, Y. . THE LANGUAGE FEATURES OF SOCIAL MEDIA . Gênero & Direito, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 03, 2020. DOI: 10.22478/ufpb.2179-7137.2020v9n03.51941. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 dez. 2024.



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