
  • Edelberto Pauli Unicamp



Essays, Montaigne, Cynicism, Nature


Montaigne's Essays take up some aspects of cynical naturalism by proposing an inversion of social values and an inner harmony of acts in accordance with the particular nature of each individual. For the one who takes care of himself, like Socrates and the cynics, the essential thing is not in customs, appearances and comfort, but in freedom. Combining wisdom and primitive force like Diogenes of Sinope, Montaigne erects a personal ethic or art of living that is based on autonomy, that is, in the development of his own norms, having as a guide the experimental knowledge represented by the cynical theater of the animals, of the cannibals , as well as of his own nature. In opposition to the fickle and uncertain world of opinions, Montaigne takes sides with nature, whence he elicits his model of frugality, moderation, and freedom. Montaigne's philosophy is existential and stems from reflection on the truth of the inner desires that must be under the command of reason. In the cynical way, he seeks the happiness that is conceived in the choice of true values, simple and respectful of freedom.


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Author Biography

Edelberto Pauli, Unicamp

Mestre pelo programa de Língua e Literaturas de Língua Espanhola da USP, doutorando no Programa em Teoria e História Literária pela Unicamp e professor efetivo da Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul


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